WONGOSOL, Partners Empower Local Partners

-Highlight Monitoring and Reporting Human Rights Abuses

The Women’s NGO Secretariat of Liberia, WONGOSOL, have completed a series of briefings with local county reporters and monitors in Margibi and Montserrado Counties.

The activities which were held at the offices of WONGOSOL in Monrovia brought together several monitors and reporters from the two project counties of Margibi and Montserrado.

The Project is sponsored by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark or Danida through Oxfam Liberia titled, “Advocacy and influencing for social economic right and justice for youth and women”.

During the forum, participants, both males and females were encouraged and taught how to monitor and report on human rights abuses in the two selected counties.

Discussions on the different right issues centred  around women, female and male youths at local, regional and national levels ensuring that they are active participants in civil society movement and platforms meant to influence local and national levels in the democratic, political, social and economic governance policies and practices.

It was geared toward focusing on issues such as building communal learning regarding citizenship, peace consolidation, rights and equality, and improved livelihood strategies as well as natural resource management amongst others.

WONGOSOL through Oxfam Liberia provided Support for monitoring and reporting on human rights abuses in Margibi and Montserrado counties. Six organizations were selected for the forum with three each from Montserrado and Margibi while two of WONGOSOL’s Coalition groups including the Women’s Land Rights Coalition of Montserrado and the Women’s Land Rights Coalition of Margibi were also part of the forum.

The participants were tasked with the responsibility of holding at least four face-to-face weekly briefings with coalition members and partners on challenges and issues arising, compile data and report to WONGOSOL.

The expected achievable goal of the project was that as a result of the monitoring and reporting of human rights abuses in Margibi and Montserrado counties, citizens will now become aware of human rights abuses in the two project Counties and will be able to report those cases to relevant authorities in the county.

As a result, the local partners (monitors and reporters) were able to hold four separate briefings as instructed with the first and second held on the 16thth and 23rd of September 2020 while the third and fourth were held the on 5th and 12th of October 2020 respectively.

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