By Mark B. Dumbar
In sharp reaction to Minister Rennie’s recent assertions blaming Liberian diplomats at the United Nations for casting a negative vote on the Israel-Gaza War without the consent of President George M. Weah, Liberia’s Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United Nations, H.E. Sarah Safyn Fyneahhas disclosed that Liberia’s diplomats at the UN operate under the guidance and instructions of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, ensuring that their actions align with the country’s stance.
According to Ambassador Fyneah, decisions are not made independently; instead, guidance is sought to accurately represent Liberia’s position.
Ambassador Fyneah clarified that the Government of Liberia’s initial vote on UN Resolution A/ES-10/L.27 on December 12 was based on a prior directive from the Ministry which, unfortunately, contradicted President Weah’s and the government’s established stance.
“The discrepancy raises concerns about misrepresentation, prompting a need for the President to seek clarification from the Minister, who seemingly did not adhere to his instructions issued since November 4th over a month before the UN vote,” she added.
“It’s important to highlight that on December 8th, I instructed the Deputy Permanent Representative to seek the Minister’s guidance to co-sponsor the Draft Resolution A/ES-10/L.27 but received no response. On December 12, I communicated with the Minister and the Acting Foreign Minister to confirm their directive on the vote on the resolution. Acting on their affirmative response, I instructed a staffer to implement the directives,” Ambassador Fyneah recounted.
Ambassador Fyneah stressed that the responsibility for the inaccurate directive lies with the Ministry, and it is crucial not to tarnish the reputation of Liberia’s diplomats at the UN who, despite challenges, continue to make sacrifices for Liberia’s visibility and contribution to the United Nations’ mandate.
Additionally, since the UN is seized with the matter, and the Mission represents Liberia at the UN, it was neither informed nor received such an important policy decision of President Weah’s contained in his communication dated November 4 to Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, emphasizing the call for a ceasefire and the establishment of humanitarian corridors.
According to Ambassador Fyneah, this lack of communication on the part of the Ministry to the Mission on this crucial issue further underscores the need for a thorough review and clarification.
On Wednesday, Information Minister Legerhood Julius Rennieblamed Liberian diplomats at the United Nations for not consulting President George M. Weah who has always stood on their side to ensure that the foreign policy of the nation is maintained.
Speaking Wednesday, December 20, 2023 with the Voice of America (VOA), Minister Rennie said the country’s diplomats did not consult with President Weah before voting against the ceasefire resolution of the Israel and Gaza war.
According to him, the Liberian diplomats should have done some consultation at the level of the foreign policy of Liberia relative to the decision making body of the country. Renniefurthered that the latest decision does not affect the bilateral relations between Liberia and the United States that veto the Resolution.
According to him, the Liberian leader is the Chief Governor of the country’s foreign policy and championed of world peace and as such he will do lot of things to change the narratives. Rennieadded that the Liberia Government remains strong to ensure that the policies of the two countries are tied.
He pointed out that the Liberian leader who is the chief role model of peace across the world will ensure that he works side by side with the United States in the remaining days in office. Rennie said the Liberian diplomats at the United Nations should have consulted first the Liberia leader before any decision.
He disclosed that President Weah has always been supportive of the United States Government in keeping those foreign policies at all course. According to him, the foreign policy objective of Liberia is to ensure that peace is maintained. Rennie further that the country remains committed to maintaining diplomatic ties with the United States and other countries.
As the situation stands, the bluffing question on the minds of Liberians is, “Who is really telling the truth? Up to present, those responsible for such blunder and embarrassment to Liberia as a sovereign nation at the United Nations are pretty seated with no action from President Weah.
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