Weah Bags US20M after Meeting with President Biden 

-As He Pledges Free, Fair Election in 2023

MONROVIA-Amidst massive criticisms, condemnations and extreme expressed angers and dissatisfactions over the long stayed away from the country and official duty, President, George M. Weah finally returned home on Monday and was received by a mammoth crowds to welcome him; many of whom are partisans, well-wishers, supporters and admirers.

While he was away, there were lots of unpleasing echoes from opposition politicians stating that he [Weah] has stayed away from Liberia for too long, spent huge amount of the taxpayers’ money and will not bring any financial benefit to Liberians and by extension, the nation.

Additionally, the as criticisms were flying far and wide to the point that some politicians called for him to step aside from his position as president due to the appalling condition in Liberia as things were getting bad by the day.

Contrary to their thoughts, the Liberian President returned home Monday, December 19, 2022 with good news for citizens of the nation.

Speaking to citizens upon his arrival, President Weah said, “I was among a group of six (6) African Heads of State who were selected out of the forty-nine (49) invited leaders for a special meeting with The Honorable President Biden at the White House to discuss the very crucial issues of elections, democracy, rule of law, and development.”

The Liberian leader disclosed that during the occasion of that exclusive, but vital meeting, the six African leaders made a strong pledge and commitment to ensure the conduct of free, fair, transparent, peaceful, inclusive and democratic elections in October 2023.

“We made it abundantly clear that under our watch, the democratic credentials of Liberia will be safeguarded, as well as its peace, stability, and security” he said.

According to him, they pointed out that we were aware that continued peace and stability in Liberia depends on the outcome of peaceful, free, fair, transparent, inclusive, and credible elections. We called for maximum support from the United States and friendly governments and partners to the electoral process. The U.S. Government, in response, committed to spending US$165 million United States Dollars next year on providing financial support to elections in our respective countries next year, of which Liberia is expected to receive approximately $20 million United States Dollars.

See full speech below

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