“We Want A Republic, Not A Rape-Public”

By R. Joyclyn Wea:j.wea@newrepublicliberia.com

The Executive Director of Women TV Liberia says citizens need a Republic and not a rape-public.

Madam Lisa TennehDiasay said this is achievable when citizens unite under the umbrella of positive mindsets and innovations.

MadamDiasay made the statement on Sunday in Johnsonville when she served as Guest Speaker at program making the official launch and delegation of the Loriena Foundation 4 Adolescent Girls Unit.

Her statement also aligned with the increase in the number of sexual and gender based violent cases across the country within the course of six months (March-August) since the Coronavirus outbreak in Liberia.

Loriena Foundation for Girls Adolescent Unit is a non-profitable organization that carries out a unique education program both formal and informal with lively activities among adolescent girls in the community to enhance mentorship and leadership abilities. The institution also applies measure such as domestic violence investigation program and accurate information on human Right Awareness”.

MadamDiasay noted that rape from all indications has become Liberia’s newest hugely armed epidemic that is determined to destroy the cultures and norms of the Liberian society to the core adding that “Just in a three month period, government own reported state on rape alone is quite unimaginably alarming for anyone to think about.”

She further stated that it is saddened that men and boys these days have become extremely barbaric in their quest to satisfy their sexual desires.

“It pains my heart that recently a 15year old boy reportedly used razor blade to expand the vagina of a baby just to satisfy his desire for sex. The question we ask to people of this nature is this: what do you really get from having sex with manors? Almost all of the recently reported rape cases were just shockingly uniformed as the victims were below the ages of ten throughout the 15 geopolitical subdivisions of the Republic of Liberia.”

This,Diasay said leaves one to wonder as to whetherLiberians are now living in a rape-public and not a republic.

“Some officials of our Government have tried their best trying to convince us that this is a Republic, but even they too have done very little if not nothing in combating the barbaricact creeping epidemic permeating the corridors of our already appalling society,” she lamented.
She lamented “I took on these trending issues confronting us to expose the retrograde nature of our society going forward. To have a well-structured institution that focuses on empowerment of girls and combat against domestic violence, these are some of the issues we
must confront with vigor. From what has been demonstrated already, Loriena Foundation for girls Adolescent Unit is better positioned to change the narratives. I trust Ms. Wea for this task she has chosen at this time.”
She continues “To my children, I say these few things: Be your sister’s keeper! Report men and boys who take advantage of you! Do not allow money to buy your silence when an uncle chooses to abuse your rights! Your body is your pride! Keep it protected at all times.”
Accordingly; Diasay cautioned partners not to compromise with family members who abuse their girls and to as well join hands with Loriena to make her dream a success for the benefit of the adolescent girls.

At the same time, the Executive Director of the foundation BlessethLorienaWeasaid due to the growing wave of children being abuse couple with difficult parent are face with in schooling their kids as well as providing their needs, she decided to undertake such venture to be able to care for these less privileged girls thus guiding them through every step along and to as well give them a desiring future.

She explained that they currently have enrolled twenty-five girls in the program with target to reach out to more adolescent girls in the 15counties.

The 22 years old linked the growing wave of SGBV to wickedness of men and not the dress code as claimed by some individuals since according to her three months old babies are also victims of this inhumane act.

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