IT’S BARELY TWO WEEKS since the United States Embassy near Monrovia announced that it has reached out to independent, internationally recognized firms with specialization in forensic investigations to conduct a scoping mission that could ascertain the basic facts of the alleged missing Liberian dollar currency matter and determine to what extent a broader mission would be needed.
THE MYSTERIOUS disappearance of the huge Liberian banknotes has since sent a shock to Liberians at home and abroad and the international community is now considering the country as a risky area to invest.
LIBERIANS LAUNCHED SERIOUS protest demanding the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) government led by former international soccer star, George Manneh Weah to ensure the well-about of their money and even threatened to continue their protests until their money comes back.
BUT the announcement by the US Embassy, Liberia trusted allied reduced the tension as they now look up to the US Government for the outcome of their money based on the assurance from the embassy near Monrovia.
WE ALL KNOW that the US Embassy in that statement on October 10, 2018 assured the Liberian people that it is the assessment of the Embassy in Liberia that such a report would be the most credible and effective means to quickly determine the scale of the problem, and would be an appropriate means for the United States to support the Liberian Government’s and citizens’ desire to understand the allegations and facts.
WITH THIS ASSURANCE, the Liberian people and international partners now await the outcome of this findings to know the next step to take in getting their money and those hooked in the web be made to account.
THE US EMBASSY has since asked Liberians to be patient, but for how long? Because it is exactly two weeks, one day today since the assurance.
WE TRUST the credibility, effectiveness of the American people, but let speed up with the investigation to allay the heavy hearts the Liberian people have toward the current and past governments concerning their LRD16billion banknotes.
UNTIL THEN, PLEASE speed up with the investigation of the missing LRD16 banknotes to ensure the effectiveness and integrity of the process and make the completed report public as promised so that there is full transparency and understanding of the outcomes.
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