Members of the house of Representatives have given more support for the establishment of the War Crimes Court in Liberia.
Legislative sources told this papers late Monday. The source said; “out of 73 lawmakers, the first batch to sign was 43. But later on as of last week, the number increased to 51. This means the support is going up.”
Just last week, Liberian leader, George Weah addressed the United Nations General Assembly on a wide range of issues informing them the proposal for the establishment of the war crimes court. He has not given his support though.
Before a decision of such is taken, it requires two third of the total number of members in the both houses.
The source said discussions to debate the establishment of the war crimes court is due this week. Once passed, it will be sent to the president for possible signature and enactment.
Some lawmakers have expressed their opposition towards the establishment of the court. For instance, senator Prince Johnson of Nimba county and Conmany Wesseh of River Gee County among others think that its establishment was not in line with the Accra Comprehensive Peace Accord reached in Accra, Ghana, 2003. Wesseh was one of those who signed the accord that led to the cessation of hostilities in Liberia in 2003. TNR
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