VVTC Ends One Day In-service

-For Its Staffs

Versatile Vocational Trust Canter (VVTC) has ended a one-day in-service training for its staff over the weekend in Paynesville outside the Monrovia, The training brought together several staff members from the entire Department of the VVTC.

This is one of Liberia’s vocational training institutions that is providing quality hands on training for several youth through Montserrado and Margibi Counties.

The school offers Tailoring, graphic Art, Driving, Journalism, Fashion Design, Cosmetologists, Cratering, and Electricity among others.              Speaking with this medium about the process of the training, the Founders of the VVTC said it was important for an institution of such to always have such training for its staffs in other to make them vibrant in their various areas.

According to Mr. Lewis T.Togba the training will focus on Lesson Planning, Class Room Management Administrative Decision making. Amount others were taught by an Educator in Liberia.

Togba said as head of his Institution he will always make it his duty to always have these workshops for his staff and other workers of the VVTC.

Togba said the only way Liberia can develop if the minds of Liberians are developed through Technical and Vocational Education in all parts of Liberia.

He called on like-minded Liberians to engage into this area and that government should help in the process in other for the country to move ahead.

Also, the facilitator of the event said he always feels happy in doing what he is doing by helping in the education sector throughout the country.

Mr. Samuel B. Diggs   thanked the administration for giving him the time to share his knowledge with the staffs of VVTC and promised to always help in these areas.

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