Two Terms Legislation for Each President

President George Manneh Weah has rallied members of the Liberian media to the sustenance of peace and tranquility in Liberia.

President Weah told a cross-section of the media that the medium and manner of reportage ahead during and after the ensuing General Presidential Elections are critical to the sustenance of peace in Liberia.

The Liberian leader stated that the work of the media remains critical to sustaining years of peace which provides an enabling environment that is essential to maintaining a peaceful environment for all including the workings of the media.

Liberia has celebrated more than ten years of peace and tranquility following memories of the scares of war and human suffering from years of civil conflict.

President Weah at an interactive forum with members of the media said Liberia remains a beacon of hope and a particular lesson for the region from years of armed conflict and the need to continue on the path of peace is a national obligation of all especially the media which is the bridge between the politicians, stakeholders and the general populace.

He cautioned that the October 2023 elections are critical to the survival of Liberia, and the media as a major stakeholder must take the necessary steps to ensure peace reign.

“We’ve come a long way to turn back as a country that’s why I continued to champion peace and a peaceful transition of civilian rule. Since my ascendency as president of Liberia, I continued to champion peace and frowned on unconstitutional takeovers of legitimate government.”

“Peace is an indelible right of all. When there is peace you as a member of the fourth estate will have an environment to freely practice and do business and this we must ensure. Liberia cannot go back to those years dark days of civil war, and media has a major role in spreading this message.” President George Weah stated.

Touching on the presidential terms limit, the Liberian leader proposed the enactment of two terms for each president to avoid unwarranted attempts to extend the terms limit.

Liberia’s constitution provides two terms of six-year intervals but requires elections each term in which the incumbent shall participate.

President George Weah told members of the media that with experience over the last five years, the enactment of two presidential terms without the need for an interval of reelection will provide a space for uninterrupted administrative governance of the state and accelerate national development.

President George Weah’s meeting with the media came on the back of Wednesday’s conspicuous absence of the Media during the engagement by the National Elections Commission (NEC) and presidential candidates at the NEC national office.

The Liberian leader stated that the conspicuous absence or the limited coverage of the media at such an important national event raised eyebrows and as president of a country coming of war and who continued to champion peace, necessitated the convention of the media.

The forum afforded honest exchanges on the roles of the media and its various platforms in accelerating genuine peace and tranquility for the motherland.

Speeches of commitment from a cross-section of the media including members of the talk show host, newspaper publishers of Liberia, the Reporter Association of Liberia, Community Radio Association, stringers of various international media, veterans of the media, and media owners, were reechoed.

The media institutions pledged to uphold the principles of the Journalism Creed to ensure their platforms, and mediums are not exploited for political or malicious rewards stressing that all journalists have a social and national obligation to ensure a peaceful environment at all times.

Veteran Liberian broadcaster Aaron Kollie called on colleagues to raise to the occasion of upholding a commitment to peace.

Mr. Kollie thanked the Liberian leader for the forum with the media and for realizing the critical role the media played in the advancement of democracy.

He stated that such engagements with the media over time are essential to the development of a peaceful society and an appreciation of the workings of the media which are essential elements for peace and tranquility.

“We know there will be a misinterpretation of today’s engagement of the President of Liberia with the media here today. However, we’re here today with our free will void of inducement. Let it be known that we are all Liberians first before becoming journalists. The path to sustainable peace rests upon the shoulders of all particularly you and all my fellow media colleagues and this obligation we must uphold.”

“Thank you, Mr. President for conceiving this idea to assemble the media on this key national issue and you can be assured that members of the media have heard you. We know what a takes to work in a free media space and the message is clear Mr. President and has harnessed our resolve to do more in maintaining peace and tranquility,” Mr. Aaron Kollie said.

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