Treat ‘Insane (Crazy) People’

The Issue Of the colonies of insane (crazy) people parading the streets and corridors of street corners, especially in urban areas is one key issue that must claim the immediate attention of government, since it now serves as a total embarrassment for pedestrians.

This Is So because, it has and continues to have negative effects on the public and the Liberian society as a whole.


In The First place, a couple of years back, the Social Welfare section or the department of the Ministry of Health which was then the Ministry of Health and Social-Welfare was extracted and added to the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection.

The Intent Was to raise the Social Welfare component of the entity from its dormant state to a rather functional, active and effective one.

But Today, it seemed as a fulfillment of a common saying in Liberia that goes, “Adding insult to injury or one insulting your sister and sending same as a message by you as a brother”.


This Means That since the takeover of the component of the Ministry of Health that has to do with social welfare, is yet to be a dream come through for both the victims and inhabitants of the Liberian society.

Now A Days, the streets of Monrovia and its surrounding cities including other urban areas are unacceptably being flooded up with insane or crazy people, most of whom serve as embarrassment for Liberians and foreign nationals.

We as an  institution  think that these people, to some level, pose security threat to the larger society.

In Some Instances, it has been reported that some ‘heartless’ men are bent on impregnating female insane people under the cover of darkness and go sky-free thereby increasing the burdens of society and adding more suffering for the already insane persons who will now be compelled to carry nine months pregnancy.

Not Only That, but also, some insane men at times go on the rampage and either rape or sexually harass female pedestrians thus serving as a public disgrace for the victims and sometimes lead to husbands of said women putting in for divorce or separation for fear of living with trauma and stigmatization.

With All These mentioned herein, we think they are sufficient reasons for government to act appropriately and immediately to safe the society.

In fact, it is known that every year, there is money allocated in the national budget for this section. We do not know if these funds are even used for the intended purpose.

We  are appealing to  the government to ensure that those people are given the necessary attention and taken from the streets.


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