POLITICALLY, THE CRAFTERS of the Code of Conduct in their right frame of minds decided to save public officials from being bad-mouthed by ordinary citizens during and after their stay in public offices regarding their wealth and properties and on the other hand prevent public officials from getting rich over night at the expense of those they claimed to be representing their interests.
THAT’S WHY the framers inserted in the Code of Conduct that ‘All Public Officials upon taking office should declare their assets, liabilities and sources of income’ to the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission (LACC) to serve as a witness and proof for one’s worth and properties obtained.
BUT, In Fragrant disrespect to this provision of the laws, many current public officials in the CDC led government headed by Dr. George Weah have either refused or reneged to declare their assets, but are busy acquiring wealth and properties which many of them including President George Weah could not dare to discuss at any point in time during their political struggles.
LESS THAN THREE MONTHS after the inception of the CDC led government which told Liberians and the world that the administration of Weah was taking over a broken economy and that there was no money in the coffers of government, members of the first class citizens including the Minister of States for Presidential Affairs, Nathaniel McGill who is on record for saying he met US$53.00 in the account of the ministry he was taking over began to purchase homes, break down their substandard homes and rebuild with even report of some top officials displaying wrist watch worth US$250.00 and buying flashy and luxurious cars amongst others in sharp contradiction of the government professed “Pro-Poor Agenda”.
THERE ARE even continual concerns being raised about structures being quickly constructed by the first citizens, George Weah including the construction of dozens of quart duplexes along the Roberts International Airport road and questions about the sources of funding for the multiple and simultaneous projects in Liberia and Jamaica, the home of Liberia’s first lady, Clar Weah.
THERE ARE EVEN VERY latest report suggesting that assets declared to the LACC under the cover of darkness by current government officials are secretly being requested for or withdrawn to be backdated to be resent after the United States of America along with other partners agreed to independently probe the missing money saga in line with internationally accepted forensic investigation standards.
BUT ARE THE Critics and ordinary Liberians wrong to carry out these speculations and how can they be convinced that those properties are not ill-gotten and what is the suitable defense for public officials if their assets declared to the LACC are secret and not accessible by the public?
ALL OF These allegations and accusations can only be proven wrong or right with a clear and open disclosure of assets of public officials for public consumption to help erase the myths or perceptions.
IN THE ABSENCE OF THESE, it is difficult if not impossible, for anyone to know who is saying the truth and let it be known, registered here and sustained that where there is smoke, a chunk of fire may not be far away from it.
THAT IS WHY we from the New Republic Newspaper believe that assets declaration is very important because it helps save, clean and public officials of honesty and integrity from the hands of some members of the public who are bent on lying about them as regard their worth and wealth while at the same time redeeming scarce resources from hungry and belly driven politicians and public officials.
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