Suffering In Silence

With the people’s wailing continues to be ceaseless and unattended to; as the nation’s image becomes grim while devised national policies place and position the Liberian society’s aspiration in abject poverty field of agony and imposed saddened disappointment; indeed, the looming threat of the country slipping from the track of progressive and productive trajectory is fearful and gravely troubling.

Writings on the wall of vivid reality make no secret of the uncontrollable hardship and painful difficulties pathetically forced down the throats of the citizens outside of the elite’s orbit who are disturbingly suffering in silence.

With most people viewing the Pro-Poor regime of not sailing meaningfully, sustained sky-rocketing prices of commodities which now flattened the ability and capability of the population to obtain purchasing power; obviously hat unprivileged segment’s livelihood has taken a speedy nose-dive with no signal of hope attempting to be reflective let alone coming around any time soon which again is deeply worrisome.

This nation is slipping; the people grimly suffering in silence are screaming about the manner, form and style the governance system is proceeding coupled with the applied methodology now in constant motion; in no way depict glad tidings rather perpetuating a rooted culture of impunity and selective action of justice as being perceived and registered in the court of public opinion.

Now, does the leadership know that Liberia is navigating on rough and troubled-water? Is it also cognizant that the people suffering in silence are crying out from the pinch profoundly being felt? Moreover, is the regime at ease with unfolding trends of events?

Time for wakeup call has long been far too spent; like it or not, the people are desperately suffering in silence and if not you to turn the table around with positive relief, then to whom do they go to? Now is the time to act fruitfully to ease the grave burden lumbering exceedingly on their ability to fence for themselves despite their burning quest to be their own kind of dignified bread winners.


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