Samukai Supporters Warn GOL

…..that there will be Non Compliance Posture

BY:Washington Tumay

FOYA-The uncertainty   of Lofa County Senator Elect, Brownie Samukai during the December 8, 2020 senatorial elections is creating instability amongst the peace loving citizens of Lofa County, especially his supporters.

During  the weekend in Voinjama City,   the Friends of Samukai (FOS)and Lofa County Citizens in Solidarity With Senator Elect Brownie Samukai warned the Liberian Government   not to turn  the people  of Lofa County  decision. That  during so, would  lead them to institute  a non-compliance posture across Lofa County including  those of Montserrado county.

Their   reaction was in line  with some  Citizens  of Lofa County  who filed a petition  to  the Supreme Court of Liberia recently  through Cllr. Joseph Jallah who contested  the election including Cllr. Korboi Johnson  and Cllr.Lavela Supuwood and   others  to declare Lofa County  senatorial seat vacant.

According  to  the statement issued  during  a press conference  presided over  by  the Chairman  of   The Friends of Senator-Elect Brownie Samukai  Voinjama District , Lofa County , David Mawolo ,  the citizens of Lofa County, particularly  the 20, 431 persons who voted   for senator elect Samukai termed the petition filed by  those  who they called some supporters of defeated candidates Cllr. Joseph Jallah, backed by some members of the regime, describing  such action as post-election mental trauma  and another strategy to  the delay of  the representation of  the people of Lofa County; since  there is no law to stop the senator -elect  Samukai.

“This political roadblocks that continues to hinder the certification of Mr. Browine J. Samukai is being championed by the Liberian government through the Solicitor General Cllr. Syrenius  Cephus  and some members of  the supreme Court Bench which has caused unwarranted sufferings  and stress , not only for us, the people of Lofa County, but the entire democratic process “he indicated.

Mawolo  further narrated  that it was in  that light  that  the ill-jurisprudence  petition  that  they decided  to remind  the Chief Justice ,Cllr. Francis Korpor  and  the full bench of the Supreme Court of Liberia  that what was done  to Associate Justice Kaibeneh Ja’neh  to have him illegally removed,  which according to him  brought shame and  embarrassment to  the Country’s Judiciary System, stressing  that  it will not survive  in  the daylight of  the traditional county of  Lofa, especially  to  their son Browine Samukai.

He said   the people  of Lofa, Particularly  the voters  stand by the organic laws of Liberia  stressing  that they are prepared to defend  the decision of  the peace –loving citizens of Lofa County in line with Article (i)of the Liberian Constitution that vested all powers in  the people.

“This, we will do in response to any violation of the Constitution of the Republic of Liberia with every means within our power” he said.

Additionally,  Mawolo  reflected  that  in order not  to replay  the abuse of power which created the 14 years of civil unrest ,  they, as friends of Senator – elect  Browine Samukai are warning  those  who, according  to him are behind  the petition, describing  such  action  as further manifestation of political road blocks  of  their senator’s certification to desist from their political games and which hunts  for the good of the fragile peace of Liberia.

Mr. Mowolo,  moreover  said  they  in Lofa County have joined  the many Lofians  in Monrovia and in  the Diaspora to remind everyone, including  the international partners ,  the United Nations ,African Union , the ECOWAS  and other concerned institutions about  the continual delay of Lofa County Citizens of  their democratic rights to be represented at  the Liberian Senate as unacceptable.

According  to  him,  they will accept    nothing less than  the respect  to  their political decisions made on December 8, 2020 emphasizing  that anything to  the contrary  will lead  them  to an unspecified noncompliance posture  from  the citizens  of Lofa.


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