Salvation Army Liberia, Sierra Leone Command Receives New Heads of Mission

The Salvation Army command in Liberia and Sierra Leone has received new heads of mission.  Speaking to cross sections of Salvationists and some students at the Airport upon arrival, Lt. Col. Samuel Mkami disclosed that he has come with open arms for all Salvationists in Liberia and Sierra Leone.

Lt. Col. Mkami noted that he and his wife, Lt. Col. Mary Mkami will work with all Salvationists for the betterment of the Army’s operations in Liberia and Sierra Leone, adding that only unity can move the work of God on earth forward.

The Salvation Army New Head of Mission further called on Liberians to work hard for the Kingdom of God to win the lost souls over to the kingdom of God before the second coming of Jesus Christ.

Lt. Col. Mkami said he and his wife are very happy to be in Liberia, stressing that despite the long distance from Tanzania to Liberia; the Lord was able to guide their travel from their homeland to Liberia. 

He used the occasion at the Airport to laud the International headquarters based in London for their appointment to Liberia and promised do his best while in Liberia with the help of God Almighty.

Lt. Col. Mkami also praised the General Secretary of the Salvation Army Liberia and Sierra Leone Command, Lt. Col. Jabulani Khoza for organizing a wonderful welcome program for him and his wife, adding that it is a sign of unity.

For her part, the Command President for women Ministries (CPWM), Lt. Col. Mary Mkami expressed happiness for their new appointment in Liberia and challenged all Liberians to make them part of the Salvation Army Liberia’s family.

According to her, the Salvation Army is ‘one Army, one mission and one message’ therefore, she wants Salvationists in Liberia to see them as part of the Army from Der-Es-Salam, Tanzania that have come to serve in Liberia.

Speaking earlier, the General Secretary of the Salvation Army Liberia and Sierra Leone Command, Lt. Col. Jabulani Khoza welcomed the new heads of Mission to Liberia and immediately turned over the mission to Lt. Cols. Samuel and Mary Mkami.

Lt. Col. Jabulani Khoza pledged their full support to the work of Salvation Army in Liberia under the Administration of Lt. Cols. Samuel and Mary Mkami while serving the mission.

The occasion at the Airport was graced by Salvationists, Teachers, Principals and students from various Salvation Corps (Churches) and schools operated by the Army in Liberia.

The Salvation Army is an International organization and part of the Universal Christian Church presently operating in over one hundred and thirty-seven countries around the world with headquarters in London.

The Salvation Army entered Liberia in 1988 and since then it has made several impacts in the areas of preaching the gospel, healthcare delivery and contributing immensely to the educational system of post conflict Liberia.

According to information, the Salvation Army Presently covers almost the fifteen sub-political divisions of Liberia.

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