Salvation Army Gets New Heads

-For Liberia And Sierra Leone

The International Secretary for Africa, Commissioner Benjamin Mnyampi on Sunday October 28, 2018 officially installed the new heads of Mission of the Salvation Army Liberia and Sierra Leone Command.

L-R Lt. Col.Samuel Mkami, Commissioner Mnyampi, Lt. Col. Mary Mkami and Commissioner Grace Mnyampi

Speaking to cross section of Salvationists and non-Salvationists in Sinkor, Commissioner Mnyampi disclosed that he was in Liberia under the mandate of the General of the Salvation Army based in London.

Commissioner Mnyampi, further challenged the new heads of Mission Lt. Cols. Samuel and Mary Mkami to carry out a visionary and practical leadership for those that they will be leading.

He wants them to live a life that will show the true meaning for which the Salvation Army was established several years back in the 18th century.

According to him, the focus of the Salvation Army is hearts to God and hands to man which is intended to meet the social aspect.

He added that the lives the leaders live have the propensity of derailing the true mission of the Salvation Army or promoting the work of God on earth.

Commissioner Mnyampi came to Liberia along with his wife, Commissioner Grace Mnyampi after performing similar tasks in Ghana for the former heads of Mission of Liberia Lt. Cols. Samuel and Hagar Amponsah who are now the Territory commanders of Ghana Territory.

For his part, the newly installed Heads of Mission Lt. Cols Samuel and Mary Mkami have promised to decentralize the workings of the Salvation Army in Liberia and Sierra Leone.

According to Lt. Col. Samuel Mkami who spoke during their installation program noted that gone are the days when all activities of the Salvation Army were only focusing on Monrovia.

He noted that as the Salvation Army currently covers the entire country with the word of God, various programs will be celebrated in different parts of Liberia where the Salvation Army is present.

The Salvation Army New head of Mission disclosed that decentralizing the activities of the Salvation Army will help carry development in other counties that the work of the Salvation is just trying to grow.

Lt. Col. Samuel Mkami also stressed that unity will be the hallmarked of his administration, adding that unity is the stepping stone for development all around the world.

According to him, no organization can make headways in the absence of unity, something he described as a very powerful tool for moving forward in life.

The new Officer Commanding (OC) challenged members to be prayerful if they are to achieve in moving from the position of a command to territory.

Lt. Col. Samuel Mkami further cautioned officers and members of the Salvation Army to embrace the motto of the organization which is intended for saving lives and helping the poor from all words of life.

The new Head of Mission lauded the General Secretary Lt. Col. Jabulani Khoza for holding on the mission works before his coming as new head of mission.

Also making remarks doing the program, the Director of the Salvation Army Education Secretariat David S. Massaquoi informed the new Officer Commanding that the social arm of the Salvation Army in the educational area is properly functioning.

According to him, the School system currently has the total amount of over thousand students and more than three hundred teachers in all of the Salvation Army schools in six of the fifteen counties.

Director Massaquoi noted that the Salvation Army school system is one of the fast-growing mission schools in Liberia, stressing that like other mission schools, the Salvation Army started operations in Liberia just in 1989 and it is amongst the high-ranking mission schools.

He promised that there are more plans under way for the establishment of more Salvation Army schools in the remaining counties in Liberia.

At the end of the program, Salvationists around the country praised the international Headquarters based in London for sending their new heads of mission.

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