Re-direct US$15K to fight Covid

……Pastor Beyan Discloses

MONROVIA-The Senior Pastor of the GSA Road Church of Christ Alfred Beyan has urged members of the National Legislature to redirect their additional 15 thousand United States Dollars intended for constituency engagement, to the fight against the Coronavirus pandemic.

The Lawmakers are now receiving their additional 15k to total the amount to 30k that was budgeted for by  the government for  legislative engagements. 

But Pastor Beyan said such decision, if taken by every lawmaker, who will received their constituency engagement funding, to purchase coronavirus materials, it will be in the best interest of the citizenry.

Speaking over the weekend  in an interview, in Paynesville  following his return to the Country from Ghana ,the Liberian Cleric said  it will be bad  for  the legislators  to use  their additional   15  thousands  for political gains  when Liberians are dying,   due  to  the lack of drugs  and other medical provisions  at some  health facilities.

He further urged the various district electorates to observe their legislators with key eyes, relating to the uses of their respective legislative   engagement funding.

The Liberian Cleric  said  it was unfortunate  for  the Lawmakers  to take from  the Liberian people money 30k    for  their political interest,   when  the country’s health sector  is face with serious  challenge .

He further disclosed that the action by the legislators    has proven that they are insensitive to the wellbeing of the citizens who vote them into power.

“ What  we are seeing in Liberia  on  the part of our legislature is really  disheartening,   during  this coronavirus time ,our  people are dying, when people are sick , you do not have drugs , oxygen and lots of  things. I think  the 30  thousands  for legislative engagement is not in  the right direction  at this point in time. If  they received  the money,  they should use it for health purposes in  the fight  against  the coronavirus pandemic” Pastor Beyan noted.     

The Liberian Cleric said the legislators are the direct representative of the people   and they should  enact laws that will be in the interest of the Liberian people, noting that their actiion   is in the opposite direction.

The action by the legislators to take 30 thousands each as a legislative engagement during  this critical time of the country’s history, according  to Pastor Beyah  is disappointing .

“I think  this is injustice  to  the Liberian people  , some of our people  cannot afford  to buy   those coronavirus  preventive materials , including food ,  while  national leaders continue  to share money amongst  themselves” he said.    

   Pastor Beyan said as an advocate for social justice, the attitude by the lawmakers is wrong, thus challenging those   lawmakers not to use the money for their personal interest.

“Let them turn the money over to the executive to be used to buy drugs and other health supplies in meeting  the health needs of our people,  during  this pandemic” the cleric noted.     

He however encouraged Liberians to adhere to the health protocols as a means of preventing the spread of the coronavirus.

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