PUL Calls For Respect For Rule Of Law In Impeachment Saga

The Press Union of Liberia is urging the Legislature and Judiciary to ensure reciprocal respect as coordinate branches of government in support of a vibrant rule of law culture in Liberia.

‘A non-cooperative posture by one branch incapacitates the other’, said Charles Coffey, President of the PUL.

The Union insists that all sides to the impeachment saga must uphold the application of law to its fullest.

PUL states the court is the proper platform in all democracy for party litigants (aggrieved parties) to seek redress and squarely raise their concerns on any subject matter. To refuse appearance at all, warns Coffey, ‘may have severe consequences for the country`s effort to build a democratic society where the rule of law thrives’.

PUL warns, it fears a constitutional crisis.

The Union foresees constitutional stalemate if the judiciary and the House of Representatives fail to reach an amicable resolution to the current impeachment saga. Therefore, both branches of government should adhere to the rule of law in resolving this matter.

The Union stresses that the respect for the rule of law is the corner stone for democratic governance.

While it recognizes the constitutional mandate of the House to prepare impeachment bills against any Justice and Judges, it believes the process needs to be carefully and legally done considering the full breadth of national and international best practice, the PUL averred.

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