President Weah Ends Roads Inspection

-Says Roads Should Be Completed In Three Years

President George Manneh Weah has ended a two-county tour in Central Liberia where he inspected preparatory works on road projects earmarked by the government. The Liberian leader’s first stop took him Bong County and climaxed in Ganta, Nimba County.

In Bong, he dedicated repairs works on the Gbarnga-Voinjama-Foya financed by USAID and inspected the Gbarnga-Salayea road project.

While in Nimba, President Weah dedicated a 1.9km chip seal pavement works in Ganta and inspected the 67km Ganta-Yekepa Road Project, which is being done by Arcelor Mittal.

In separate remarks, President Weah reemphasized his commitment to roads construction that would open up the country.”When the road is built, we all can connect. Don’t let anyone discourage you about the roads; the roads are very important for our economy,”President Weah stated.

President Weah also said there would be a three-year timeline for all roads earmarked to be completed. He said that he will not settle down for four years or more for the completion of roads that are under consideration for construction.

Roads connectivity is a major preoccupation of President Weah aimed at easing traveling constraints citizens continue to face as well as enhance cross-country trade and boost economic transactions.

According to the Liberian leader, he is not deterred by growing public criticisms over his plans to build roads across the country, as his major focus is to do what he can do for the country, stressing: “I want to do more and talk less.”

“I am here to follow-up on the road we broke ground for sometimes ago. This is a project started by the former administration. I want to thank Madam Sirleaf. Now I am the President so I have to make sure the road is built,” President Weah told the gathering.

The President urged citizens of Bong and Nimba Counties to cooperate with the construction companies and help the government achieve its roads construction agenda for people to move freely. He added that any country that lacks roads is not a developed nation.

The Chinese Construction and Engineering Company, CHICO, is working on Gbarnga-Salayea road project, while Arcelor Mittal is in charge of the Ganta-Yekepa road pavement work.

Construction works are expected to be completed between 2020 and 2021, according to the Ministry of Public Works.

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