President Weah consoles Muslims ….as Muslims burred 27 kids

MONROVIA  Sept 18(TNR) Liberian president George Weah on Wednesday consoled Muslims at a mosque in Sinkor following a fire disaster which killed 27 children in Paynesville late Tuesday.The kids were learning the Koran when the fire broke out accrding to police spokesman, Moses Carter.  He said the fire was caused by electrical shocks.

President Weah added,” we want to tell you  that we are with you in prayers. Allah will console you. He will be with you through out. Those young kids, what ever their dream was, Allah will be with them. I am very sorry.”

The 27 kids bodies  were taken to the general Muslim cemetery in Old Road, Monrovia for burial. A convoy of vehicles accompanied the bodies.MUS 17

Hundreds of  Muslims and non Muslims stood and wept as the bodies were taken to the grave site.

“I am not a Muslim, but I am really feeling bad. We are all human beings. Who knows these children that died today could become great people in the world. I am hurt and saddened,”  Rosaline S. Kollie said as she stood by the way side.

President Weah said, “When one person dies it is hurtful. It is tough. It is saddened to me. Only Allah knows why it happened. Please extend our sympathy to all. Let them take solace. Salam mal lakum. Let Allah give you the strength to continue. This should not be  frustration that you will not  allow you continue what you started.” TNR

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