PERSONALTY OF THE WEEK: Mr. Foday Kamara , a Prominent Business Man

Residing in the Township of Congo Town Montserrado Liberia, Mr. Foday Kamara is a prominent Liberia citizen who began selling his wheelchair in 2005 at the age of 28 after the 2003 Liberian civil war.

At the end of the civil war, the huge number of disabled and amputees who continue to seek wheelchairs and other crushes went beyond his expectation.

‘‘Though there were some humanitarian organizations, concerned donors, and other goodwill individuals who sometimes supplied people with disabilities wheelchair and crushes at the time, there were many others who still needed the wheelchairs and crushes even more. Today, according to Mr. Kamara, since its establishment, the business continues to have a meaningful impact on the lives of many disabled people.

At age 45, Mr. Kamara livelihood surrounds his wheelchairs and crushes business. According to Mr. Kamara, since the establishment of the business, he has managed to buy land and a car, and today, his personal responsibilities extend to his eight children and other extended families and friends who are currently in both secondary and vocational schools.

‘Though not fully employed, there are other young men who helped me do this business and I give them small things when business is good’ Mr. Kamara explained. When asked why are you doing this business? Mr. Kamara responded with a wide smile stating; ‘‘I do this business because of the life-changing impact this business has on ordinary people’s lives and the impact on society as a whole’’. With an incomplete secondary education, Mr. Kamara wheelchair business has survived the test of time and continues to thrive even today. This in every way shows that with little progress and determination, everyone can do better to benefit society and give their own contributions towards national development.

The personality of the  week was asked; “how do you feel about this business?” Mr. Kamara responded; ‘I feel good in helping people with disability because this has a real-life impact on the lives of disabled people. Finally, with his parting comments, Mr. Kamara said that apart from selling wheelchairs and crushes, he also trains other young people to repair wheelchairs and crushes for hospitals, clinics, and other private health care facilities individuals as well to help make them useful to society. Mr. Kamara is thankful to God for the opportunity and he hopes that his wheelchair business will extend to other parts of Liberia.

Written by: By Handful N. Yantay (intern)


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