Paynesville Residents Decry City’s Filthiness

By: Washington Tumay Watson

MONROVIA-Several residents of Paynesville City have described the present environment of Paynesville as a filthy city or what they called ‘Flomo yard’ due to the filth of the area.

The citizen’s descriptions were in reaction to the uncontrollable garbage at the various intersections of major roads in the city of Paynesville.

Some of intersections and communities that are engulfed with garbage include GSA Road Community junction, LBS Market including the station intersection, Du-Port Road junction, among others.

Speaking to this reporter, business personnel, Cecelia Gbatoe  said  there is a need for authorities at the Paynesville City Corporation(PCC) to see reason and muster  the courage and remove the garbage from  the major intersections and  their business areas.

She said most of the time, the garbage is dumped by the war-affected youth (zogos) thus causing serious health problem to those she said are looking for their living through selling their dry goods by the roadside.

According to her, the presence of the dirt at those places has now overwhelmed them and the only thing they can do is to call on the proper authorities of the city to do the needful.

Also speaking was a resident of the LBS Market Community, Jefferson Williams who said the Government through the PCC is not working in the interest of the citizens.

He said the PCC has negated its role of ensuring that the city is clean and green are not removing the garbage something  that is giving  the city a bad image especially  the front view of the city.

He furthered that there is a need for the community residents to take action by working with the PCC to help keep the city clean.

David Koille, a commercial driver said the only work that those at the PCC have committed themselves to has to with arresting their vehicles at ELWA Junction.

He said it is about time that President Weah appoints officials who are willing to work in the interest of the public instead of having people who are only salaries as he said in the case of those at PCC.


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