Nimba District#8 concludes District Sitting

  –Signs Resolution To Undertake Development

Stakeholders of Nimba County electoral district eight have concluded a strategic district council sitting aimed at apportioning money given them for development activities.

The sitting was in conformity with the budget law of Liberia, which states that; following the holding of a County Council Sitting, there should be district sitting to solicit the input of key stakeholders in the utilization of funds allocated for a district for the Fiscal Year.

The County Sitting is a forum where money appropriated in the National Budget for a county for developmental purposes are apportion among the districts.

At the Flumpa Sitting, official delegates included Paramount Chiefs, District & Township Commissioners, Heads of Women and Youths, Student Representatives, among others. The County Administration was represented by the Assistant Superintendent for Fiscal Affairs, Hon. Saye E. L. Mussah and the Treasurer of the Project Management Committee, Mr. Michael Nuahn. Also, in attendance, to provide guidance to the delegates, were Mr. Saye S. Miannah, Mr. Benjamin Zumbah and Mr. Melvin S. Garpeh, all former Legislative Contestants of the District in the 2017 presidential and legislative elections. Other former contestants, who could not attend were represented by proxies.

According to a release, the Representative of the district, Larry P. Younquoi informed participants that the sitting was intended to have delegates prioritize projects that would utilize the nearly US$112,000.00 recently allocated to the district at the County Sitting in Sanniquellie for the development of the District in Fiscal Year 2018/2019. Some of the line items included US$50,000.00 for direct district development, US$23,605 for the affected community in Leewehpea District, US$28,000 for Affected Community in Meinpea-Mah, US$10,000.00 for Scholarships for the students, among others.

The Lawmaker also informed his audience that some amounts are also in a bulk amount at the County administration for critical intervention at Flumpa and Bunadin Clinics. Younquoi further told his citizens that the Flumpa Commissioner Compound is also tipped to be fully reconstructed with funds previously allocated, but could not be disbursed.

With said clarification, the delegates signed a resolution identifying several projects including a town hall in Kpoahpa, Gbannah Chiefdom, a Paramount Chief Compound in Lao Tiayee, an Elementary School between Lao Bunadin and Zahn-Duo Highway, and a Market Building in Karnwee, Leessonnoh Chiefdom. The delegates also set up a Scholarship Committee and a Project Monitoring Committee respectively.

Please Read the Resolution from the sitting.

District 8 delegates signed resolution at the recently held district council sitting.
Please read below the resolution encompassing developmental priorities to be undertaken.
Whereas, the District Council is the highest decision making body of the district, especially, concerning   the apportionment and usage of the US$50,000.00 (Fifty Thousand United States Dollars) for infrastructure project and the US$10,000.00 (Ten Thousand United States Dollars) for scholarship including the affected community component US $ 28,326 (Twenty Eight Thousand United States Dollars Three Hundred, Twenty Six Cents) exclusively for Meinpea Mah and US$23, 605 (Twenty Three Thousand, Six Hundred, Five United States Dollars) exclusively for Lewhyepea Mah approved by the Nimba County Council sitting for Electoral District # 8;
Convinced that, the resolution is in direct satisfaction of section 9(I) of the 2018/2019 Budget Law of Liberia which states that “Once the County Council has allocated funds to an   area, it shall be the responsibility of the citizens of the targeted area to meet, decide on the project (s) to be undertaken for the benefit of the community;
Acknowledging that, the Representative and Authorities of Electoral District #8 have agreed to convene this District Council;
Recognizing that, on Saturday, September 29, 2018,   26 (Twenty Six)   accredited delegates and several observers representing all the clans of Electoral District # 8 assembled at the Women Center Hall in Flumpa, the headquarters of Electoral District # 8, Nimba County;
Noting that, the sitting was witnessed by the:
1. Assistant Superintendent for Fiscal and Financial Management of Nimba County, Hon. Saye E. L. Mussah,
2. Mr. George P. Zapulu, Project Planner of Nimba County;
3. Atty. Stephen M. G. Quoi, City Solicitor, Saclepea Magisterial Court, Saclepea, Nimba County
4. Mr. Michael B. Nuah, Treasurer of the Project Management Committee (PMC),
5. Mr. Emmanuel Z. Clarke the Project Assistant of the Project Management Committee (PMC)
6. Mr. Melvin S. S. Garpeh, Lecturer, Department of Public Administration, University of Liberia
7. Mr. Saye S. Mianah,  CEO, New Liberia Engineering and Construction Company and
8. Mr. Ben Zumba,  Chairperson, Nimba Youth Caucus
Recalling that, the Sitting was presided over by Hon. Larry P. Younquoi, Representative Electoral District # 8.
Whereas, the following authorities gave briefing to the Council during the sitting:
1. Hon. Jefferson Saye Gondah, District Commissioner for Meinpea Mah Administrative
2. Hon. Rancy S. Mengor, District Commissioner for Lee Wehpea Mah Administrative
3. Mr. Morris Flomo proxy for Saclepea#2 Education District Officer (DEO); Madam Hannah B. C. Tamba
4. Mr. Dickson S. Gweh, proxy for Saclepea # 1 Education Officer Hon. Lynon Martor;
5. Mr. Daniel Koukou, proxy for District Health Officer (DHO), Hon Cooper Karnue
6. Mr. David  Nyanquoi, Youth Chairperson, Meinpea Mah Administrative District
7. Mr. Nelson Nundueh, Youth Chairperson, Leewhepea Mah Administrative District
8. Hon. Saye E. L. Mussah, Assistant superintendent for Fiscal and Financial Management, Nimba County;
9. Mr. Michael B. Nuah,  Treasurer Project Management Committee PMC, Nimba County;
10. Mr. Emmanuel Z. Clarke, Project  Assistant, PMC, Nimba County;
Whereas, several other groups presented statements and proposals for development projects, along with special observations on other matters including the following particulars:
Development Priorities Discussed
. Market Building Erection in Karwee​
. School Building in Yoko Town
. Paramount Chief Compound in Tiayee
. Roads Intervention
• Kpein to Gbeyi Gborwin;
• Sokopa to  Gbeyi Duoyee
• Constant Farm to Zahn Boyee
• Saclepea to Kplah to Guahn
• Buiten to Kpanpa
• Blohn to Beedin to Sehwee
• Gbayblin to Lampa
• Gipo to Walamon
Recalling that, the presiding authority of the District Council Sitting appointed the following individuals to serve as Resolution Committee Secretariat:
1. Emmanuel Z. Clarke – Chairperson
2. Robert Zehwee – Co-Chairperson
3. Josephus Blagaye – Secretary
4. Albert Koryea– Member
5. Spencer Glay – Member
6. Leelemehn Zawolo- Ex official
Convinced that, all the delegates of this sitting of the 2018 Electoral Districts # 8 do hereby decide and resolve that:
1. USD$ 25,000.000 (Twenty Five Thousand United States Dollars) be used for the Yoko Village Community School, Meinpea Mah Administrative (Electoral District Fund)
2. US$ 25,000.000 ( Twenty Five Thousand United States Dollars) be used for the construction of Market Building in Karnwee, Leewhyepea Mah (Electoral District Fund);
3. US$ 28, 326.00 ( Twenty Eight Thousand United States Dollars Three Hundred Twenty Six Cents) be used for the construction of Paramount Chief Compound in Tiayee, Meinpea Mah (Affected Community Fund);
4. US$ 23,605,000.00 (Twenty Three Thousand Six Hundred Five United States Dollars) for Town Hall Project in Kpoapa. Leewheypea mah (Affected Community Fund)
5. US$10,000.00 (Ten Thousand United States Dollars) be used  for scholarship to deserving students through the scholarship Committee set up by the Lawmaker of the District in concurrence with the accredited delegates;
6. The Following roads be prioritized by the Project management Committee (PMC) under the Nimba County Infrastructure Development Project:
• Kpein to Gbeyi Gborwin;
• Sokopa to Gbeyi Duoyee
• Constant Farm to Zahn Boyee
• Saclepea to Kplah to Guahn
• Buiten to Kpanpa
• Blohn to Beedin to Sehwee
• Gbayblin to Lampa
• Gipo to Walamon
1. The following persons were elected as Project Monitoring Team (PMT) as follows:
b. Mr. Winston W. Sayekain – Chairperson;
c. Mr. Harris Zuah – Co – Chairperson;
d. Mr. Alvin Luogon – Secretary
2. The following persons were elected to serve on the Scholarship Committee:
a. Mr. Nyan Kiepie
b. Mr. David Nyanquoi
c. Mr. Nathan B. Henry
d. Mr. Nelson Neadoh
e. Mr. Cooper Zenegben
f. Mr. Sam Konah
g. Mr. Lee Goniah
Wherefore, we the accredited delegates to this council sitting of the Electoral Districts # 8 representing all sectors within all the clans of the district hereby affixed our names and signatures to this resolution indicating our endorsement of said resolution in the Town of Flumpa, Headquarters of Electoral District #8, Nimba County on this 29th day of September 2018.

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