NBC To Review Concession Agreements

MONROVIA-As VOSIEDA launches its critical Ecosystem project to protect community forest, the Director General of the National Bureau of Concessions  has disclosed that it is going review all  of concession agreements to ensure such agreements are protective of the forest and community.

Atty. Edwin Dennis mentioned that the Commission will make sure that  all concession agreements have a clue to protect diversity and the full implementation. That the  government will ensure that all companies are treated fairly.

Dennis made the disclosure at the launch of VOSIEDA Critical Ecosystem project title: “mainstreaming Biodiversity and Ecosystem services into community forestry on Tuesday, April 27, 2021 in the ELWA community.

He noted that when the laws are not implemented, it is perceived that there is no law, but there are laws that protect our Ecosystem adding, non-compliance concessionaires will be named, shame and panelized.

Subsequently; Dennis cautioned the Organization to also embark on information dissemination campaign on grounds that people are not  engaged into property theft.

He cautioned Liberians to make sure the forest are protected.

The project is funded by the Critical Ecosystem partnership fund large grant.  It is  18 months project that seeks to tackle conservation issues in the country’s Cessto Sapo Grabo cavalla corridor ensuring community that  they  are aware of the laws and take ownership in the protection of the forest.

The project intends to gather new approaches to biodiversity mainstreaming by conducting policy relevant research in various communities, operation and analyzing the outreach to inform and influence development in Liberia.

Under this project, VOSIEDA will also monitor the community forestry management plan within targeted communities.

Giving an overview of the project,  VOSIEDA Team Lead,  H. Timothy Kortu said Mainstreaming Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services into Community Forestry in Liberia is significant to the growth and development of Liberia.

Timothy Kortu mentioned that Liberia as a country, set aside 98.5 percent in the Guinean forest Ecosystem hot spot and currently Liberia has 15 percent of that forest. That means Liberia is completely covered by tropical rain forest.

The VOSIEDA boss indicated that though these forests have being fragmented to logging and farming, but still contained significant and exceptionally divers biodiversity and impressive level of Ecosystem.

According to Kortu, Liberia has had three systems of forest management: Commercial, Community and conservation after it’s civil unrest.

He declared his Organization’s  commitment to working with communities in making sure to ease some of the many challenges they are face with.






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