Nat’l Elder Council Congratulates Boakai

Liberia’s President-elect, Ambassador Joseph Nyuma Boakai continues to receive congratulatory messages from world leaders, civil society organizations and political parties including the National Elder Council of the Unity Party for his victory during the November 14′ Presidential run-off elections.

While congratulating Ambassador Boakal and Vice President-elect Jeremiah Kpan Koung for their remarkable achievements, the National Elder Council is calling on them to ensure that Liberia’s fragile peace is sustained through the strengthening of weak laws which would help to nurture the country’s cherished democracy.

The council urged President-elect Boakai and his incoming cabinet to do everything humanly possible to reconcile the Liberian people who appeared to be angry with each other and deeply divided on party lines.

A press statement from the National Elder Council of the Unity Party highly welcomed the President-elect assertions that he will form a government of inclusion.

The statement said while the National Elder Council welcomescalls from Civil Society organizations and well-meaning Liberians for audit of the Weah administration, the council wishes to caution the President-elect to conduct such audit within the confine of the law.

The council pointed out that under the Liberian law, an accused is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

The National Elder Council is also calling on Liberians to avoid name calling, finger pointing and passing judgment by assumptions on former officials of the Weah regime and the incoming officials of the new government.

The council said the maintenance of peace in the country is the responsibility of every Liberian whether in or outside of government.

Meanwhile, the National Elder Council of the Unity Party has praised outgoing President George Manneh Weah for his courage to peacefully relinquish power after the November 14″ run-off election and called on future defeated candidates for public offices to follow the footstep of President Weah.

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