Munah’s Will Released

At a well attended and decorated funeral rites of fallen Montserrado County Electoral District #9, Representative, Madam Munah Pelham Youngblood, stalwarts of the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change, Senator Saah Joseph and national chairman of the party, Mr. Mulbah Morlu released the political wills of the fallen lawmaker.
Paying their separate tributes to the fallen CDC lawmaker who died following a protracted period of illness both in the United States and Ghana, Montserrado County Electoral District #9 fallen Representative left a mandates written and later delivered to stalwarts of the ruling party, Madam Youngblood said calling on CDCians to, ‘let’s go to the Sycamore Tree to solve our problems’.
“These are some of the contents of the will and we must all pay attention to ensure Munah’s sacrifices for the CDC does not go in vain as we keep listening to signals beyond the grave for Munah’s thoughts.
Chairman Morlu said as she’s being laid to rest after a prolific trench-warfare, Madam Youngblood refuses to be silenced by death, issuing perhaps the biggest of her revolutionary mandate, calling on CDCians to ‘let’s go to the Sycamore Tree to solve their problems’.
“These are some of the contents of the Will and we must all pay attention to ensure Munah’s sacrifices for the CDC does not go in vain as we keep listening to signals beyond the grave for Munah’s thoughts,” he said.
Morlu further stated Madam Youngblood’s being laid to rest after making tremendous sacrifices toward the growth and development of the CDC, Munah did not leave without guidance; she can still be heard calling on partisans all to stay the course, rise to defend the CDC, uphold its virtues, and be the hundreds of thousands of ‘Cats that must chase the rats’ back to its hole.
“Munah was a fighter, died a fighter and remains a fighter even in death as her thunderous voice of command continues to reverberate across Montserrado. She was the leopard in town that would chase away the ‘little foxes’ that sneaked out of their holes once to pollute the vine. Inarguably, Striker-9 was a fighter that could not be silenced; even death soon realizes that a true revolutionary like Munah cannot be contained by a mere grave! Death has only succeeded in creating a physical distance between Munah and those of us that remain, other than that, Munah rises daily to interact with us, reminding us of our responsibility to the CDC,” Morlu said in stronger revolutionary tone.
According to him, Madam Youngblood and he had a deeper personal partisan friendship and the relationship allowed him pays attention to her every word and grasped the things she cared about most. It also helped him to know as chairman of the party that when it comes to the CDC.

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