Ministry of Education Prepares Declaration Detailing Plan for Ensuring Quality Education for All, Following Dynamic Discussions During Summit

Following three days of dynamic discussion with local and international stakeholders, the Ministry of Education concluded the 2018 National Education Summit on Wednesday.

Education Minister Ansu Sonii

The Summit began with a keynote address from His Excellency President George Manneh Weah, who set the stage for the discussions: “As Nelson Mandela once observed, ‘Education is the great engine of personal development. It is through education that the daughter of a peasant can become a doctor, that the son of a mineworkers can become the head of the mines, that a child of farm workers can become president of a great nation.’”

President Weah added, “We must give every child, every youth of this nation, the same chance, the same opportunity to realise their maximum potential, so that they can contribute to the building of a new Liberia, prosperous and strong.”

President Weah’s address was followed by a presentation by Minister of Education Professor Ansu D. Sonii Sr., who urged the participants in the Summit to think big in their aspirations for Liberia’s youth: “Our ideas of education have been kept too narrow. There is a need of a broader scope and a higher aim. True education means more than the perusal of setting courses of study. It means more than the preparation for life. True education has to do with the whole being, and with the whole period of the existence of the man. True education prepares the student for the joy of service here now, and the joy of service in the world to come.”


The following three days of the Summit included wide-ranging discussions on six themes essential to the transformation of the education sector:

  1. Teacher Education & Professionalization
  2. Monitoring, Supervision & Assessment
  3. Learning Environment
  4. Science, TVET & Higher Education
  5. Stakeholder Engagement
  6. Education Financing

Based on deliberations during the Summit with a diverse range of stakeholders, the Ministry of Education is now preparing a declaration outlining its plan for ensuring quality education for all Liberian children. The declaration will be released in the coming weeks.

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