Min. Tweah Wants Donors’ Attention

-But Calls For Improvement In Performance

Minister Samuel D. Tweah, Jr

By Reuben Sei Waylaun

The Minister of Finance and Development Planning, Samuel D. Tweah has stressed the need for more donors’ attention to Liberia, but calls for serious performance from all to make such attention attractive.

Speaking at the Programming Aid for Development conference at the Ministerial complex recently, Minister Tweah stressed that aid is important especially for a developing nation like Liberia.

According to him, the love of aid and its application very important because it is indispensible on the African continent.

“If we perform well, we will get more aid. We need to improve the delivery of aid to attract more investors.  We need a national capacity development framework. In term of emergency, we need to rely on the country system. We need the data in the right place to help us make informed decision,” Minister Tweah said.

Making a presentation, the Deputy Finance Minister for Economic Management, Augustus J. Flomo recounted that Liberia has made significant improvements in aid management, through the enactment of the Public Financial Management law of 2009, the establishment of the Aid Management and Coordination Unit, and the adoption of the National Aid and NGO policy of Liberia.

According to Deputy Minister Flomo, the NGO sector is essentially critical to the development process of Liberia because they serve as the channel for significant amounts of aid flow, especially bilateral assistance to Liberia.

He however stressed the need for continuous improvement in the existing aid management and coordination framework and its public financial management system.

The National Aid Policy of Liberia (NAPL) is designed to address gaps and establish an internal coordination mechanism to curtail instances.

The policy also establishes a national coordination framework for collective engagement with Development Partners at the technical and policy levels. In addition to defining the types of assistance and the preference of aid modalities for the government, mostly in accordance with international consensus on aid delivery, the policy also clearly defines the roles and responsibilities of government institutions and development partners in the management of external assistance.

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