Massive Turn out in Nimba County

By Reuben  Sei Waylun

ZAO-LAO-There is massive turnout in district number eight Nimba county, the home of current Chief Justice, Francis Korkpor and that of BBC correspondent, Jonathan Paylayleh.

“As early as   6am, people were already in line to vote. Many of them told me that they want to vote at all cost.  They do not want to regret on any decision taken tomorrow,” our correspondent who is on the scene said.

Zao is the biggest chiefdom in district number eight.  It has over 33 towns. But some citizens are complaining on the sideline that they are electing people who will not care for them again.

Our correspondent said, Besides, citizens are seen trekking between towns to cast their votes for their preferred candidates. So far, no issues of misconducts   has been reported.

It is is not known if the Chief Justice is voting in his hometown. Some voters said he registered in the chiefdom  but did not vote there.

Nimba county has the second number of registered voters next to Montserrado County. It is the home of former rebel leader, Prince Johnson who is now senator.




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