Mark Keshen Determines For A Better Representation In The Senate

As the Liberia electoral body, the National Elections Commission (NEC) crave for adequate financial support for the transparent holding of Montserrado and Bong Counties senatorial by-elections, one of those contenders for the Montserrado County Senatorial bid, Mark Keshen says he is determined to represent the people of Montserrado County when given the opportunity to represent them in Senate through the ballot box.

Mark Keshen, Aspirant for Montserrado County senatorial by-elections

“The Fox” as he is affectionately call by many of his admirers and peers over the years has proven that his political career and interaction with his fellow compatriots has no border, due to his service to humanity wherever he resides, making sure that those who are urgently in need of assistance are religiously served.

Mark, one of Liberia’s youthful entrepreneurs, humanitarians and advocate for the empowerment of the Country’s youthful population has vowed to bring dignity in the Liberian Senate aimed at making sure that the full participation of the Liberian youths in the nation’s building process is realized.

Some cross section of Liberians who spoke to our reporter poured their blessings on the senatorial bid of Keshen, noting that his contributions by developing the minds of the Country’s youthful population through jobs creation and their educational sojourn has won their support for his quest to represent them in the Senate.

“Keshen has a great interest in the development of Liberia, despite of all the negative things been said about; he has done a lot for the young people of this country providing job opportunity to them. I believe when given the chance to serve his people in the Senate, he will definitely make the difference,” Natalyn Nimely of central Monrovia speaking to this outlet stressed.

For Gabriel Brown Jr., a resident of the slum community of Clara Town, in Monrovia speaking to reporters regarding the senatorial bid of Mark Keshen for Montserrado County, urged all eligible voters in the County to consider exercising their political will in favor of this Liberian who has returned from abroad to nationalistically contribute his quota in the developmental drive of Liberia.

As many Liberians who see reasons for the return of Mark Keshen to his homeland (Liberia) to taste the mantle of power as a positive gesture which needs to be applauded by all well-meaning Liberians, others see this as a defeat to their preferred candidates who are in the race for the Montserrado County Senatorial by-elections; doing everything in their powers to ridicule the intent of this young Liberian entrepreneur and humanitarian who has this country at heart.

According to an independent investigation conducted by the GNN to ascertain the facts surrounding the widely publicized negative picture being portrayed by the many detractors for Mark Keshen’s senatorial bid, defaming his hard-earned character, it was independently discovered by the GNN that these defaming thoughts by these detractors geared towards poisoning the potential voters of Mark whose intent to provide his professional leadership to the Liberian people is unbending.

According to the investigation, Mark Keshen has denounced those who are opting to destroy his ‘hard earn’ reputation, and further vowed to pay less attention to critics, especially those whose intent is to damage his reputation, but rather forge ahead to bring dignity to Liberia’s future leaders through his leadership.

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