Love for God Glows

-As AFL Deputy Chief Of Staff Takes the Gospel to the Communities

MONROVIA-Liberia’s first female Deputy Chief of Staff of  the Armed  Forces of Liberia (AFL), Brigadier General, Geraldine  George –Johnson did   surprise   the public  that  harbors the perception  that  those of  the military  are not to  fully engage  in the workings   of God’s kingdom , when she took  the gospel of Jesus Christ  to  residents in the  Duazhon Community, lower  Margibi County.

 Brigadier General George –Johnson dressed in her military outfit shared with the community dwellers about the birth, death and resurrection    of Jesus Christ.

The AFL deputy boss   is a member of the Harvest Intercontinental Church, Located in Duazhon, lower Margibi County.

The community inhabitants and some onlookers were moved due to the obedience of God’s works and the acquired knowledge of the gospel by the female Deputy Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of Liberia who has accepted the words of God through the gospel of Jesus Christ.

“The message of God Should be spread by everyone, no matter of his or her status “, she indicated.

One of the things that moved the well-trained military personal to evangelize to the community residents according to her is the love for God.

Additionally,   the Deputy Chief of Staff who did not allow her position to be a hindrance in serving God; joined the evangelism team of the Harvest Intercontinental Church by distributing gospel tracts   to the public as a means of spreading the good news of Jesus Christ.

Encouraging those who she and the others were evangelizing to within the community, Brigadier General George –Johnson said it is good to love God no matter your status in life.

The decision by the Deputy Chief of Staff to take the Gospel of Jesus Christ to those craving to hear the good news, and apart from hearing, to become involved doers of the divine principles contained in the gospel.

Accordingly, it also becomes a practice of business, as key to her life within the military has reflected of the decision by the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Liberia, Dr.  George M. Weah, who, upon his ascendancy to the presidency, constructed a Church at which sometimes he preaches the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

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