LIWOMAC, Partners Get Funding

-To Ensure Mainstreaming Gender In Economic Governance

With funding from the United Nations Democracy Fund, the Liberia Women Media Action Committee (LIWOMAC) is implementing a two years grant with a portfolio value of US$176,000.00 (titled: “Mainstreaming Gender in Economic Governance in Liberia.”

The project Mainstreaming Gender in Economic Governance in Liberia objective is to promote and sustain gender equality and gender-inclusive economic governance through the enhancement of the advocacy and operational capacity of thirty-five Women Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) to advocate and influence policy makers in the management of the County and Social Development Funds (CSDF).

With LIWOMAC as prime implementing agency, a partnership is agreed with three Local Non-Governmental Organization, which, working in a consortium will implement different components of the project based on their areas of revere specialization. The Implementing Partners for the project include the Center for Transparency and Accountability (CENTAL), the Center for Media Studies and Peacebuilding (CEMESP) and the Paramount Young Women Initiative (PAYOWI).

The project will be implemented in seven of the fifteen counties within the Republic of Liberia as follow: Montserrado, Bomi, Bong, Margibi, Nimba, Grand Cape Mount and Grand Bassa. In cooperation with county stakeholders, the project will work with five women Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) per county.

In addition to advancing the advocacy capability of the CSOs, the project also seeks into mobilize a women CSO coalition to enhance gender inclusivity in county economic governance, as well as research and periodically report on the integration of gender/women perspectives in county-based development decision-making.

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