Lisa Wins FeJAL Election

By: Perry B. Zordyu

The most anticipated election for female journalists in Liberia has ended with Madam Lisa Tenneh Diasay being declared as winner of the poll.

The election which took place Friday, December 15, 2023 brought together scores of female journalists from across Liberia to exercise their constitutional rights as prescribed by the by-laws of FeJAL. During the electoral process, supporters of both Lisa Diasay and Dennise Nimpson expressed optimism of their candidate becoming victorious until the official results wasannounced.

Two candidates contested the presidency of FeJAL. At the end Lisa Tenneh Diasay received 156 votes of 222 while DenniseNimpson obtained 62 votes of the total vilad votes. The Co-Chair of the Election Commissioners, Olive Stevenson said there were 276 registered voters but 222 were able to cast their votes while there were 7 invalid votes.

Commissioner Stevenson furthered that Famata E. Thomas won as Financial Secretary on white ballot while Patience Koromaalso won on white ballot as General Secretary from the camp of Lisa Diasay.

Prior to the election, both candidates including supporters were seriously battling both on radio and in-person of which many thoughts the elections was truly going to be a tight race.

At the same time, President-elect, Lisa Diasay has promised a robust, inclusive and diligently leadership for all female journalists in the country.

The Female Journalists Association of Liberia (FeJAL) is a conglomeration of all females practicing in the journalistic profession in Liberia.

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