MONROVIA-A group of Liberian women in the United States Under the banner ‘Women with Impact’ has identified with the family of the late University of Liberia Graduate Nacy Miller who along with seven other family members died in the house on the night of her graduation.
The group is a birthday organization in the America that is intended to impact their community in the state and even back home. This gesture of the group is to enable the family cover some expenses relative to the funeral arrangement of the eight individuals that is slated for April 2021.
On February 25, 2021, Liberians wakeup to the news of the mysterious deaths of eight of its citizens.
Police preliminary investigation had it that those individuals died as the result of carbon monoxide poising (generator smoke) and were deposited at the ELWA funeral home for preservation pending full scale investigation.
Speaking on behalf of the group, Helena Ekem said their death has great impact on Liberia and not only the family members .
Madam Ekem noted they were shock to hear the sad news.
“We feel your pain, accept our sympathy. On behalf of the sisters with impact here in the United States , We are in prayers with the family. It is hard, but we want you to take heart. God knows the reason for everything.”
Similarly; Bernice Dorbor also encouraged the family to stand firm during this time, noting; “even us over here who are not directly connected with the family, are touched by this unfortunate situation then what much more about you.”
They both hope to meet with the late Nancy family when they shall have return to the country.
Receiving the token, Yamgor Miller Dennis, oldest sister of the late Nancy Miller thanked the group on behalf of the family for the contribution.
According to Yamgor, it is not easy for them as a family, but they are grateful that such group of Liberians had remember them during this troubling time of their family.
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