By: Washington Tumay Watson

Monrovia-April-29-TNR: Labor Minister Cllr. Cooper Kruah has vowed to ensure that the Labor Ministry Generates needed revenue by issuing work permits to foreigners.

According to him, the government will ensure that all foreigners working in Liberia have their work permits in line with the Labor Law of Liberia.

Speaking Thursday in Paynesville, Cllr. Kruah noted that the Ministry is working to guarantee revenue and ensuring that those foreign businesses will have Liberians as Account Managers, Controllers, among others.

According to him, they are working on this by ensuring that those foreign businesses if expanding with branches, those branches should be managed by Liberians.

He said if Liberians are not qualified, they should include a Liberian as an Assistant who will be working as a transition to take on the full responsibility of managing that business.

Minister Kruah furthered that such process is gradually being worked on because it has not been done in the past. He said the Ministry will have to provide the needed information and education concerning the regulation before its full implementation.

Cllr. Kruah said following the awareness and education, the Ministry will not issue a work permit to foreigners who want to do a job reserved for only Liberians. He further disclosed that there will be a requirement for those foreign businesses to advertise any position.

The Labor Minister furthered that the two Deputy Ministers and Assistant Ministers have the responsibilities to visit those companies and businesses where it becomes necessary.

He said shortly, he will lead a team to take a tour of those companies informing them on those positions that are only reserved for Liberians mostly companies operating in rural Liberia.

Cllr. Kruah said the only way the public will get to know the level of work being done is through their contributions to the national budget.


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