…Wishes Team Well in County Meet

Bomi-April-29-2024-TNR: Western Cluster, an iron ore mining company operating in Bomi County has identified with the county’s team in the ongoing 2024 National County Meet.

The Bomi County team has advanced to the next stage of the competition and is in Monrovia with the hope of claiming the championship from defending champions, Nimba County.

As part of the efforts to keep the team moving on, the mining company has donated cash to the team as part of the company’s corporate social development.

“We, Western Cluster located in Bomi County, we want to support Bomi County people and by supporting them in the ongoing County Meet, we want to increase their participation,” Sudhansu Kumor Patro, Western Cluster Chief Financial Officer said.

According to him, what the company wishes for the team is the best and hopes that they become victorious in the competition.

The National County Sports Meet is an annual competition in Liberia that features teams from the 15 political sub-division of Liberia.

Usually, the sporting activities are held in December but after the 2023 general and presidential elections, then President-elect Joseph Nuyma Boakai requested that the games be postponed.

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