Monrovia-February-21-TNR:At long last, President Joseph Nyuma Boakai Sr. has nominated Unity Party Chairman, Rev. J Luther Tarpeh as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Port Authority.
The UP Chairman was among several partisans and supporters of the ruling Unity Party who stormed the home of President Boakai sometimes ago in demand of job. As a result of the scramble for job when the nomination process started, Rev. Tarpeh along with some members and alliance members of the UP staged a protest at the residence of the President demanding for job something several Liberians frowned on.
Yesterday, the Liberian leader made additional appointments in government pending confirmation where applicable. Among the nominees, Rev. Luther Tarpeh who has been opting to become Managing Director of the National Port Authority (NPA) was appointed as Board Chair for the NPA by the President.
Also nominated was the radical leader of the Economic Freedom Fighters of Liberia (EFFL) Emmanuel C.D. Gonquoi whose name surfaced on a list of scores of Presidential nominations/appointments released by the Executive Mansion today Tuesday, February 20224 to various top posts in the ruling Unity Party government of President Joseph Boakai.
Mr. Gonquoi whose EFFL supported the UP Alliance in the 2023 presidential runoff election, has been nominated as Deputy Minister for Planning & Manpower at the Labor Ministry. In last year’s legislative elections, Gonquoi was defeated in Margibi County.
President Boakai’s additional nominations and appointments in government
The President of the Republic of Liberia, His Excellency Joseph Nyuma Boakai, Sr., has nominated additional officials to positions in government affecting several line Ministries and Agencies.
Those nominated at the Ministry of Internal Affairs are, Samuel Brown, Deputy Minister for Administration, Selena Polson Mappy, Deputy Minister for Operations, Cllr. Loseni F. Bility, Assistant Minister for Legal Affairs, James K. Yolei, Assistant Minister for Operations, Mike Khailelu B. Jabateh, Assistant Minister for Urban Affairs, Brown B. Sarlee, Sr., Assistant Minister for Administration and William Jallah, Assistant Minister for Cultural Affairs.
At the Local Government level/Ministry of Internal Affairs, the President nominated Mr. Whroway Bryant as Superintendent ofMontserrado County, Byron W. Zahnwea, Superintendent, Rivercess County, Alex Grant, Superintendent, Grand GedehCounty, Miatta Dorley, Superintendent, Bomi County, Alfred Zinnah, Assistant Superintendent for Development, Bomi County and Mr. Robert Bestman, Mayor of Paynesville City, Montserrado County.
At the Ministry Of Health, President Boakai nominated Roger S.W.Y. Domah, I., Deputy Minister for Administration and Martha Morris, Assistant Minister for Administration. At the Liberia Immigration Services, President Boakai nominated Stephen Zargo, Commissioner General, Elijah F. Rufus, DeputyCommissioner for Administration, A. Kundukai Jaleiba, Deputy Commissioner for Operations and Atty. Dickson R. Tamba, Deputy Commissioner for Naturalization.
At the Ministry Of Education, the President nominated Amos Fulley, Deputy Minister for Instructions, James ArmahMassaquoi, Deputy Minister for Administration, Jonathan S. Jackson, Assistant Minister for Fiscal Affairs & Human Resource and Clifford Konah, Jr., Assistant Minister for Teacher Education.
At the Ministry of Information, Culture & Tourism, the President nominated Atty. Dogba K. Norris, Jr., Assistant Minister for Culture & Tourism, while at the Ministry of Youth & Sports President Boakai nominated Henry Yonton as Deputy Minister for Administration, J. Bryant McGill, Deputy Minister for Youth Development, G. Andy Quamie, Deputy Minister for Sports, Laraamand Nyonton, Deputy Minister for Technical, Vocational Education & Training, Valerie Williams, Assistant Minister for Administration, Kuta Gbakolay, Assistant Minister for Youth Development, Murvee Gray, Assistant Minister for Sports and Collins Tamba, Assistant Minister for Technical, Vocational Education & Training.
At the Ministry of Post & Telecommunications, President Boakai nominated Jeneba Paasewe, Deputy for Operations, Sheikh Sheriff, Chief Information Officer, V. Marshall Sambola, Assistant Minister for Operations and Mr. Moses Wright, Assistant Minister for Planning, Research Statistics & Documentation.
At the Ministry of Transport, the Liberian leader nominated Archibald S. Abban, Deputy Minister for Administration, Kansualism B. Kansuah, Deputy Minister for Land & Rail Transport, James Karpu Momo, Assistant Minister for Administration & Insurance and Zunu Kokolo Duyann, Assistant Minister for Land & Rail.
At the Ministry of Labor, the President nominated Emmanuel C.D. Gonquoi, Deputy Minister for Planning & Manpower, Jackson F. Wolobah, Assistant Minister for Statistics and Emmanuel K. Barnes, I., Assistant Minister for Planning & Manpower Development.
At the Ministry of State for Presidential Affairs, President Boakai nominated George T. Marshall, Jr., Assistant Minister for Special Services, Mohammed Kromah, Assistant Minister for Human Resource, Terrence T. C. Woods, Presidential Aide and Terry L. Quoie, Assistant Minister for Logistics.
At the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the President nominated Cllr. Deweh Gray, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs, Gabriel H. Salee, Deputy Minister for Administration, Cllr. Jeddi Armah, Deputy Minister for Legal Affairs, Dr. Ibrahim Nyei, Deputy Minister for International Cooperation & Economic Integration, Cllr. Rosetta Nagbe Jahkollie, Assistant Minister For Legal Affairs, Naomi Gray, Assistant Minister for International Cooperation & Economic Integration, Leon M. Talery, Assistant Minister for European Affairs, Daniel Koikoi, Jr., Assistant Minister for Foreign Affairs, Karishma Pelham-Raad, Assistant Minister for International Organization, Saywah Gbar, Assistant Minister of Public Affairs and Bob H. Sheriff, Ambassador Designate.
At the Foreign Service Institute, President Boakai nominated Reginald B. Goodridge, Director General, Foreign Service Institute, while at the Ministry of Public Works, he nominated Jocelia J. Tarpeh, Deputy Minister for Rural Development & Community Services, John K. Zogar, Assistant Minister for Technical Services, Margaret T. Sarsih, Assistant Minister for Operations, Sundiata Juaseii, Assistant Minister for Construction, Isaac Vaye, Jr., Assistant Minister for Rural Road, Abraham Rahim Bility, Assistant Minister for Program & Planning, Albert Touklon, Assistant Minister for Community Services and Julian Morias Johnson, Assistant Minister for Administration.
At the Ministry Of Finance, the President nominated Mrs. Sarah M. Mulbah, Assistant Minister for Budget while at the Liberia Telecommunications Authority President Boakai appointed Abdullah Kamara as Chairperson, Patrick Honnah, Commissioner, Clarence Kortu Massaquoi, Commissioner, Ben A. Fofana, Commissioner and Angela Bush Cassel, Commissioner.
At the Liberia Telecommunications Corporation, the Liberian leader appointed Richardson Ndorbor, Chief Executive Officer, while at the National Insurance Company of Liberia he named Nortu Jappah as Managing Director, Abdullah Swaray, Deputy Managing Director.
At the National Road Fund of Liberia the Liberian leader appointed Hanson S. Kiazolu, Chief Executive Officer and at the Liberia Agriculture Commodity Regulatory Authority, the President appointed Ceebee C.D. Barshell, Deputy Director General for Administration.
At the Liberia Petroleum Regulatory Authority, President Boakai named Marilyne Logan, Director General, while at the National Port Authority, the Liberian leader named J. Luther Tarpeh, Chairman of The Board, National Port Authority, Mohammed S. Kromah, Co-Chairman of the Board, National Port Authority and Jonathan Kaipay, Manager, Port of Buchanan.
At the Environment Protection Agency (EPA), President Boakai named Dr. Emmanuel K. Urey Yarkpawolo, Acting Executive Director, while at the National Transit Authority he named Edmund Forh Forh, Managing Director, T. Melvin Cephas, Deputy Managing Director for Administration, Noah ZawuGibson, Deputy Managing Director for Operations.
At the National Lottery Authority, President Boakai named Ciapha Saah Gbollie, Director General, Ennish Fahnbulleh, Deputy Director General for Administration and Christian Cooper, Deputy Director General for Operations.
At the National Housing Authority, President Boakai nominated Florence K. Geegbae, Managing Director, Steve Saah Kolubah, Deputy Managing Director for Administration and Alex W. Railey, Deputy Managing Director for Technical Services. At the Governance Commission, the President nominated Prof. Alaric K. Tokpa, Chairman, while at the Liberia Agency for Community Empowerment (LACE) he named Jefferson S. Tucker, Deputy Executive Directo.r
At the Civil Service Agency, President Boakai nominated Josiah Joekai, Director General and Dahnu Mianyen, Deputy Director for Administration, while at the Liberia Airport Authority, he named Helena M. Doe-Knuckles, Deputy Director General for Administration
At the Liberia Refugee, Repatriation & Resettlement Commission, the President nominated A.J. Armah Kanneh, Deputy Executive Director for Administration and Richard Hoff, Deputy Executive Director for Operations,
At the National Bureau of Concessions, President Boakai named JSB Theodore Momo, Director General and Cllr. Rachell Yabah-Duobah, Deputy Director General for Concessions, while at the National Public Health Institute of Liberia, he named RobellLaytee Gbeintor, Director of Public Health Research.
At the Central Agricultural Research Institute, President Boakainamed Joseph Toumed, Deputy Director General while at the National Disaster Management Agency, he named Konto D. Saygar, Deputy Director for Administration, Louise K.D. Morris, Deputy Director for Operations.
At the Liberia Intellectual Property Office the Liberian leader named Garmai Koboi, Director General, Clarence Cole, Deputy Director General for Copyright and at the National AIDS Commission, he named Alexander Zogbaye, Sr., Commissionerwhile at the National Identification Registry, the President named Dr. Edward Liberty, Executive Director and Alphonso Belleh, Deputy Executive Director for Administration.
At the General Services Agency, the President nominated Johnson P. Sloan, Deputy Director General for Administrationand Robert Wilson, Deputy Director General for Operations, while at the National Fire Service, he named Emmanuel Farr, Deputy Director For Administration, National Fire Service and at the Center For National Documents & Records, the President nominated D. Nelson Bearngar, Director General.
At the Liberia Water & Sewer Corporation, President Boakai named Wilson Gaye, Deputy Managing Director for Administration, Eddie B. Miller, Deputy Managing Director for Finance, Janice Love Bropleh, Deputy Managing Director for Sales & Marketing, Patrick Sandikie, Deputy Managing Director for Technical Services, Dr. Khalipha Bility, Chairman, Board of Directors, Mrs. Lucinda Cole Carter, Member, Board of Directors, Mrs. Comfort Bedell Dahn, Member, Board of Directors, Gabriel Flaboe, Member, Board of Directors and Jonathan Paye-Layleh, Member, Board of Directors.
At the WASH Commission, the President named George W. Yango, Chief Executive Officer and Jackson Paye, Commissioner, while at the Ministry of Agriculture, he named David K. Akoi, Deputy Minister for Planning and Development, Antoinette F. Dukuly, Deputy Minister for Administration, Moses R. Gbanyan, Deputy Minister for Regional Development Research and Extension, Solomon C. Hedd-Williams, Deputy Minister for Technical Services, Edward B. Perry, Assistant Minister for Extension, Folton Blasin, Assistant Minister for Administration, Zogbo Luther, Assistant Minister for Technical Services and Francis F. B. Mulbah, Assistant Minister for Planning And Policy.
At the Liberia Petroleum Refining Company, the President appointed Mrs. Nancy Moye, Member of the Board, Liberia Petroleum Refining Company (LPRC).
The President has also recalled Ms. Masah Sobboh, Assistant Minister for Human Resources, Ministry of State for Presidential Affairs, and reappointed her as Coordinator for Special Services/Projects, Ministry of State for Presidential Affairs. These nominations, where applicable, are subject to confirmation by the Liberian Senate.
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