Liberia News: UNFPA, Plan Int’l SBGV Turnover Screening Facility Lutheran Hospital In Lofa

Monrovia-Feb-9-TNR: The United Nations Food Program Assistant Deputy Representative Leonard Kamugisha and Partner Plan International on Wednesday February 7,2024 afternoon turned over Sexual Gender Base Violence one stop shop center screening facility to the administration of the Curran Lutheran Hospital in Zorzor, Lofa County.

The facility contains two screening rooms including a store room with bathrooms and a waiting with a television. Speaking during the turning over ceremony at the Curran Lutheran hospital in Zorzor, Tarnue Kabbar, Plan International head programs said, the construction of the building was challenging. Mr. Kabbar added that his organization is committed in fighting for the violence in all forms in the country.

“Where there is high violation of the right of girl child, they will be present and be there for them,” the head of programs at Plan International further revealed that they are glad to be fighting violence in the country, equality and inclusion.

He said the facility is just one of the twenty-seven facilities they have been working on with UNFPA over the past years to document SGBV cases in the County.

In a special remark made by the UNFPA Deputy Representative,Mr. Leonard Kamugisha, he urged the hospital administration headed by Dr. Amani Seraphin to provide family planning services. He said he’s aware that hospital provides comprehensive package services which include maternal health, services to survivors of violence and hoping that the hospital will provide family planning services as well.

He further indicated that one of the goals of UNFPA is to eliminate maternal deaths while the second goal is to eliminate and make use of family planning and third goal is to eliminate Gender-based violence.

The Deputy Representative for UN FPA disclosed that the building will help survivors have a confidential screening and response instead of being done in a small screening room where two or more patients are being screened. “We should be cautioned to be mindful how we handle SGBV cases and are treated both at the hospital and the community in order to avoid stigma,” he added.

Meanwhile, the Curran Hospital medical Director Dr. AmaniSeraphin lauded the UNFPA family and Plan International for the initiative.

Dr. Seraphin said the building is a great help to them because SGBV survivors used to be screened in a small room within the hospital with more than two survivors being screened in the presence of others which was embarrassing.

Dr. Seraphin added that they are working on systems to put in place how to make sure to avoid stigma. He outlined challenges on how to handle SGBV cases when it goes beyond the limits noting that some SGBV cases come with complications including fistula and others.

Dr. Seraphin told the UNFPA and Plan International families that most often when cases of SGBV go beyond its limits, they as hospital administrators take the responsibilities with limited resources or funding.

Meanwhile, Dr. Seraphin used the occasion to called on UNFPA, Plan International and other partners to help the SGBB section in that direction to ease some of the burdens on them as he looks forward working with them.

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