By Joe Noutoua Wandah-Liberian Journalist
Monrovia-April-11-2024-TNR:Under the legal authority of the ECOWAS Community Court of Justice of the Economic Community of West African States whose on November 10th 2020 brought down a guilty verdict against the Government of Liberia under the stewardship of former President George Mannah Weah when former Associate Justice Kabineh Mohammed Ja’neh left the shore of Liberia in his quest for justice at the regional level thus not trusting the Liberian judicial system!
A legal tussle, ensues between Justice Ja’neh and the Republic of Liberia when the government of Liberia through the Liberian Senate impeached Justice Ja’neh for what they referred to as theft of records and improper handling of cases!
“Now that ECOWAS has spoken, “been the official voice of the sub-regional body the Boakia led integrity rescue government must heed to this mandate that his predecessor former president Weah uprightly refused to adhere to in serving justice to Justice Ja’neh who since November 10th 2020 has been denial his rights in his own Country!
“Now that ECOWAS has spoken”, Liberia being one of the founding fathers of this regional body has lost relevant among her peers due to what political analysts called bad governance, including abuses of human rights, wanton killings, lack of justice in her court systems, abuse of public offices, mismanagement of public funds and massive corruptions which has comminated to massive lootings of tax payers monies with impunity dating from regime to regime since the ceasition of her senseless wars since some thirty plus years now!
“Now that ECOWAS has spoken”, President Joseph NyumaBoakai as a icon of peace, integrity and propel representation of democracy in his forty plus years of governance experiencesmust bring back those lost values that Liberia once enjoyed within the comity of Nations by adhering to the regional body (the ECOWAS court’s judgment) verdict as a Nation whose believed in the rules of laws!
“Now that ECOWAS has spoken”, as I retrospect in the case of Madam Nancy B. Doe widow of the late President Samuel K. Doe during the reign of Madam Ellen J. Sirleaf in which the very Liberian government was again brought down guilty after another legal battle told to pay all benefits due her as former first Lady! She’s yet to receive her just benefits despite the ECOWAS court’s ruling!
“Now that ECOWAS has spoken”, this current administration under the stewardships of President Boakai must make sure that this proud and well respected member of the comity of nations is obligated to upholding all agreements, protocols, decision and mandates of all organs, institutions and bodies of ECOWAS community court of justice to uphold all these treaties for Liberia to again take her rightful place as Africa’s oldest independence Nation!
“Now that ECOWAS has spoken”, this Nation (Liberia)must allow wisdom’s which once guided our forefathers in her governance system in which she played those pivotal roles in the independence of many Nations within the Continent of Africa in regaining her lost image’s!
“Now that ECOWAS has spoken”, this regime which came to power through the matral of good governance, curbing abuses of public funds, properties, eradication of corruption in all forms and giving back security that vanishes in the last six years with citizen’s been told to buy CCTV for their own safety and the random usages of drugs by the youths as if these dangerous substances by laws has been allowed to be use in the public space without regards to the rules of laws!
“Now that ECOWAS has spoken”, that the Liberian judicial system will not allow major drugs cases such the hundredmillion dollars case in which accused persons was allowed to walked away in the midst of mounting evidences, to the extend the a cussed refused to collect bond fees and attributing their so-called freedom to the verdict from jurors thus denting the legal image of Liberia!
“Now that ECOWAS has spoken”, as the legitimate regional body chief advocate whose speaks for the sixteen Countries making up ECOWAS has send caveat to the people of Liberia through the judicial process to do the more honorable things to uphold these principles of democracy if she is to regain her lost values!
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