By: Moses M. Tokpah
Liberia-The Police department of Margibi County is not leaving any stone unturned in its efforts to engage communities though outreach and sensitization activities across the county, educating them how they can work together to curb crimes in the county.
Assistant Commissioner Patrick Kormazu Wednesday told reporters that the engagements which are month away will bring various communities together at different locations to discuss community policing issues.
Commissioner Kormazu, said the Inspector General of Police and his deputies responsible for community policing oriented programs will be invited to form part of the engagements, indicating the county community policing officer has started ground work by reaching out to the various communities to give them the information.
Mr. Kormazu stated that the first information was provided to over one hundred community leaders during that first engagement meeting, and they (community leaders) expressed happiness to have seen the police wanting to have a strong partnership with them.
The Margibi Police Chief revealed that the police have spread their wings out ensuring that they partner with the various communities something he said both the communities and the police have expressed willingness in working together.
“Community policing is the best approach in modern day policing because police officers proportionally cannot be seen in all of the areas, we have to work along with the citizens to provide us information needed to work with,” he said.
Patrick Kormazu asserted “even if the materials are available for police to work with, going out not knowing the terrain will always prove difficult.”
“The criminals are from the very communities and so working and partnering with those know that those criminals creating havoc for them will see reason to report crimes,” he added.
The Assistant Police Commissioner believes the Police/community partnership is essential to keep Margibi safe from criminals, and pointed out that mobility remains a major challenge for the police to make their presence felt in every part of the county.
He however assured the Margibians that the police will work with what they have in providing security for everyone within their confines and make sure peace is maintained in the county, noting that since he took over this year, there have been no major crimes reported in the county.
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