Liberia News: Lawmakers Abandon Session

Liberia-Several seats of lawmakers in the chamber of the House of Representatives were seem emptied yesterday as many lawmakers intentionally abandoned regular session of that august body on Capitol Hill.

Lawmakers at the House of Representatives were seen dragging their feet to attend regular sessions on Tuesday, October 15, 2024. Following a roll call by the Chief Clerk of the House, it was observed that of the total of 73 Representatives, only twenty (20) were seated while the rest of the 61 were not seated until the end of the roll call.

The rules of the House of Representatives require a quorum of at least 37 people in attendance. But with only about 20 lawmakers in the chamber, which could not constitute a quorum, the Deputy Speaker, who is currently presiding in the absence of Speaker Fonati Koffa, regrettably ordered the Sergeant-at-Arms to visit the offices of all lawmakers and make those in office assemble in the chamber.

Unlike the mass attendance during other opening sessions, yesterday’s attendance seemed to indicate that the lawmakers are tired of serving the Liberian people though it is reported that the Speaker is on an official trip.

At the end of Tuesday’s session, Deputy Speaker Thomas Fallah was pushed by the rules of that august body to adjourn the session, requesting the Chief Clerk to inform all those still feeling complacent to turn to work adding that the honeymoon is over.

The House of Representatives officially resumed session yesterday after their break, but had to adjourn due to insufficient attendance, with only 20 members present, far below the required quorum of 37 of the 73 members. Deputy Speaker expressed frustration over the poor turnout, which significantly hindered the progress on critical legislative matters. The session was meant to mark the opening of the third quarter of the 55th Legislature.

Deputy Speaker Fallah directed Chief Clerk Mildred Sayon to notify absent members of the urgency to attend the next scheduled session on Thursday, October 17, 2024. The issue of absenteeism is not new to the legislature, as similar patterns have disrupted previous sessions, raising ongoing concerns about the effectiveness and commitment of Liberia’s lawmakers.

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