Liberia News: Former. Deputy MI-CAT Boss Exposes Gov’t

…Says MICAT Hired ‘Callers’ Brigade as Strategy   

Liberia– A former Assistant Minister for Information Services at the Ministry of  Information, Culture and Tourism  has disclosed that the government information arm has not formulated a communication strategy.

According to him, Information Minister Jerolinmek Matthew Piah informed the high management team that they are awaiting the United States Embassy’s approval to conduct and support the Ministry’s communication strategy.

Speaking on OK FM recently, former Assistant Minister Nyanplu asserted that the Ministry of Information was able to establish the callers’ Brigade, and the Ministry regularly pays those hired as callers brigade. According to him, the objective of the caller’s brigade of the Ministry of Information is to react and promote positive information concerning the government on all local radio talk shows and debunk those criticizing the government.

He alleged that Minister Piah’s most focus is a press conference without a clear vision and plan for coordinating government information discriminating channels with the various ministries, agencies, and commissions across the country. 

The Former Assistant Minister further disclosed that the Ministry through their boss has yet to purchase computers and laptops for the ministers to do effective work for the last nine months up to the present.

He further disclosed that the Minister was only concerned about procuring rice for the staff and not the equipment for the staff to do the Liberian people’s jobs for which they are being paid with taxpayers’ money.

Nyanplu who also revealed that he was recruited into government through Minister Piah to form part of the government information Technical Team said one of his decisions to resign from his post was due to the attitude of his former boss Piah who he alleged wanted them to worship him in such a professional environment something he vehemently disagreed with.

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