Liberia News: CHAP Head Wants Strengthened Partnership

Liberia: The Executive Director of the Community of Hope Agriculture Project (CHAP) wants the Liberian Government strengthen partnership with the private sector for the implementation of the National Agriculture Development Plan (NADP).

Speaking at the launch of the National Agriculture Development Plan (NADP) in Monrovia, Rev. Robert S. M. Bimba appealed to the government of Liberia to allow the private sector to take the driver seat for the successful implementation of the NADP.

The NADP was launched under the Title: “Liberians Feed Yourselves Agenda” 2024-2030.

The CHAP boss said “We take this time to extend appreciation to the Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) and organizing team of this program for the opportunity granted us as Liberian Agribusinesses to make our remarks at this historic occasion, marking the launch of the NADP. It is reported that to make this NADP a reality, the MOA needs an estimated budget of US$717.8 million and this will require the collective efforts of all.”

“As an active member of the Liberia Agribusiness and private sector, comprising of value chain actors in Liberia who are dedicated to sustainable agriculture development and transformation, we see this NADP as an investment plan meant to lift Liberia out of poverty to prosperity and agri-private sector to new level by prioritizing Liberian agribusinesses in all designs of agriculture projects and investments under this NADP.

With concerted effort supported by the government, and development partners, Liberia agri-private sector/agribusinesses would increase its contribution to the national gross domestic product between now and 2030,” Rev. Bimba said in a remark on behalf of agribusinesses in Liberia.

According to Rev. Bimba, the NADP will further help in the actualization of the government’s ARREST agenda, particularly agriculture for lifting Liberians out of poverty to prosperity.  He reminded the delegates that agriculture has a long-standing role in Liberia’s economy with a greater percentage of rural population engaged in the sector.

“This sector has the potential to be a key driver of economic growth, job and wealth creation given the country’s viable Agri -ecological zone, youthful population and to lift a sizeable number of our people out of poverty. The expectations for agriculture to drive our economy would only be achieved when government take deliberate actions to invest in Liberia agri-private sector.

The potential for agribusinesses is enormous. Therefore, it is the ingenuity of those of us in the sector with the much-needed support from government that would add value to our product and guarantee the revenue generation potentials of the sector,” he said.

The CHAP Executive Director added, “Today, Liberia agri-private sector remains very challenged by lack of adequate funding opportunities, not included in most of the agriculture investment and project, limited human capacity and poorly represented by the wrong people who are only agri-private sector by mouth. Liberia agriculture sector has the potential to create middle class by the inclusion and provision of adequate agri-private sector support, which will create sustainable jobs, economic growth and boost our health.”

Rev. Bimba has meanwhile called on the Liberian Government to take appropriate actions by increasing budgetary support from national budget by allocating minimum US$143.56million per annual to make the National Agriculture Development a reality and not a document kept on the shelf. He also urged that there is a need to promote accountability and transparency through the life of NADP.

“We, the members of the Liberia agri-private sector, pledge our unflinching support for the implementation of this NADP beginning today by our participation in this launching ceremony. I have said times and times again that we are too blessed to be hungry in this nation and the reports by World Bank ranking our blessed nation as one of the poorest do not represent the Liberia we live in and Mr. President, you have the power to get agriculture right under your leadership by ensuring there is no business as usual and by increasing budgetary support to agriculture,” he appealed.

Meanwhile, Rev. Bimba has recommended that “The agri-private sector be in the driving seat for the implementation of the NADP. Consumption of Liberian rice and made in Liberia products by all Government ministries and agencies. Ensure Liberian own agri-private sector is prioritized in all agriculture bids and projects. We approach agriculture as a business and not as a project for sustainability.  Let’s make agriculture more attractive for more investments.  Removal of tariff on all agriculture inputs and implements for Liberian own agri-private sector companies.

That Liberia agro-private sector is fully supported financially with access to agriculture financing and not micro loans, which is undermining productivity and business.  Promotion of innovations, technologies, and climate resilience.  Access to reliable and renewable energy throughout the year and adequate support to the National Standard Lab of Liberia, Central Agriculture Research Institute (CARI).”

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