Liberia News: AML Solidifies Mining Sector Leadership

Monrovia-February-29-TNR:Recently, Africa Development Management Associates (ADMA) partnered with the Reporters Association of Liberia (RAL) to implement extractive sector training for approximately 70 Liberian journalists.

The initiative, supported by ArcelorMittal (AML), is widely believed to further solidify the company’s position as a leader in the extractive sector.

Reporters from five counties, namely Grand Bassa, Nimba, Bong, Margibi, and Montserrado Counties, participated in the one-day training symposium, which is crucial for promoting media understanding of the sector.

In the opening ceremonies, RAL President Willie Tokpahpraised AML as the leading private-sector investor and acknowledged the company’s role in Liberia’s post-war development. He emphasized that the collaboration was vital in enabling numerous journalists to comprehend the intricacies of the extractive sector and report accurately.

“The same way AML is the biggest investor in the private sector is the same way the Reporters Association of Liberia is the largest auxiliary of the Press Union,” said Willie, emphasizing RAL’s commitment to fostering such partnerships.

He added, “RAL is willing and determined to foster this kind of partnership, and we believe by helping to get the seminar going, you have further solidified yourself in the sector in Liberia.”

This ADMA and RAL training will go a long way in equipping reporters through AML’s leadership in the mining sector.

Journalists were empowered with in-depth knowledge of extractive sector operations, ensuring accurate and informed reporting.

For instance, some of the presentations covered topics on understanding complex industry processes, interpreting financial reports, and comprehending the environmental and social impacts of extractive activities.

This tangible example of AML’s support for extractive sector reporting also focused on unveiling industry practices, support for educational initiatives promoting sustainable extraction practices, and collaboration with local communities to ensure responsible resource utilization.

AML believed companies like her to support such symposiums aimed at teaching journalists about extractive sector reporting as a way of contributing to the kind of media development that is aimed at fostering transparency, accountability, and ethical practices within the sector.

The Reporters Association itself believes that AML’s commitment to supporting initiatives will do a lot to enhance media understanding which must align with every serious company’s dedication to responsible corporate citizenship that ensures a well-informed public and sustainable development in Liberia’s extractive sector.

Meanwhile, the head of Sustainability and External Relations, at AML Marcus Wleh urged members of the media to keep the company “on our toes” and report in the right way for the benefit of the communities.

Wleh said the company has paid all its obligations in terms of taxes, fees, and royalties and commitment to county social development funds but encouraged journalists to report on all issues around the operation of AML.

ArcelorMittal does not owe anything. We have paid all our obligations in full and we encourage members of the press to follow up on these issues, “if there are issues, please let us know”

Wleh praised the company’s phase 2 expansion as a massive program that will help spur economic growth and help with reliable job creation.

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