MONROVIA-In order to enlighten the students at the Prof Amos C. Sawyer College of Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Liberia about the American Electoral System especially the Electoral College, a Liberian journalist and resident of Ground Fork, North Dakota, USA on Wednesday, February 8, 2023 held an interactive engagement with students of the Departments of Political Science, History, Communication and Media Studies, Sociology, Physical Education and Geography.
During the instructive forum organized by the Office of the Dean in collaboration with the Department of Political Science, Mr. Jarweken Wiah provided practical knowledge about the U.S. electoral college to enable the students to be informed about the American Electoral College and democracy.
The forum was held on Wednesday at the Thelma E. Duncan Sawyer Faculty Lounge in Fendall on the theme: The Electoral College: A Lesson for Liberia. Mr. Wiah used the occasion to provide insight in the practice of democracy in America.
The presentation was followed by comments, observations, questions, and answers.
Generally, the students and faculty praised Mr. Wiah for the presentation on the subject and reminded him that they were elected to receive him on the campuses of the University of Liberia, particularly at the Amos C.
Sawyer College. They appealed to Mr. Wiah to encourage other professional Liberians and academics residing in the U.S. to follow his footprints to visit the institution and interact with the student population
The Chairman of the Freedom of Information Commission (FOI), and faculty of the Department of English and Language Studies, Political Science and Communication and Media Studies, Cllr. Mark Bedor-Wla Freeman moderated the forum effectively. He provided brief overviews, facilitated the general discussion, and introduced Mr. Wiah.
The Dean of the Prof. Amos C Sawyer College of Social Sciences and Humanities, Prof. Dr. Josephus M. Gray served as a backup and helped to simplify the nature of the discussion, created a positive atmosphere, and managed to guide the forum.
About 100 students and faculty members attended the instructive academic forum.
In appreciation of the visiting journalist’s contribution to knowledge and learning at the College, the Dean admitted Mr. Jarwinken Wiah into the faculty of the college as a Guest Teaching Assistant (TA) and promised to present to him a Certificate of Appreciation for the hard work.
The Dean also used the occasion to inform students majoring in Political Sciences and students with a disability that they have unlimited access to the office of the Dean. He, later, encouraged the students to take advantage of the introduction of the teaching of the Liberian constitution and the new discipline: Liberian Government and Politics.
Considering the spirit of a truism, the Scripture did not miss its words when stated that cast your bread upon the waters and after many days you shall reap your benefits, equally so became a fruitful and resounding reality when in less than two years, the College has entered into several landmark Memorandum of Understandings (MoU) with five universities and colleges in Richmond, Mississippi State, America; Paris, France; New Delhi, India; Savannah, Georgia; Tilburg, Netherlands and Abidjan, Ivory Coast. Besides the MOUs, the Savannah State University and Tilburg University, the rest of the MOUs are signed by Dr. Nelson.
This unwavering dream to enhance the status of the University of Liberia (UL) among other higher institutions of learning on the globe is derived from the philosophy of the institution-students-centered-president, Prof., Dr. Julius Julukon Sarwolo. Nelson tied to his academic outreach crusade to elevate UL on a new academic trajectory enriched with widely acclaimed quality education, coupled with the academically sophisticated knowledge and wisdom of the faculty’s capacity, development, and student exchange inspiration.
These institutions include Sharda University in New Delhi, India; Hinds Community College in Mississippi, USA; Paris Graduate School. France; Savannah, State University, USA; Tilburg University, Netherlands and L’ University Charles Louis De Montesquieu (UCLM) Cocody, Abidjan, Republic of Côte d’Ivoire. While another Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Sawyer College and Rhode University, Cape Town, South Africa is being worked on for possible partnership.
Meanwhile, Dr. Ashok Daryan, President of Sharda University, New Delhi, India, and Dr. Josephus M. Gray, Dean of Prof. Amos C. Sawyer College of Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Liberia agreed to co-author a book titled: Impact of Diplomacy Tenets: Liberia-U.S.-India’s Relations The Dean of the College, Prof. Dr. Josephus M. Gray on behalf of the College thanked the Vice President for Academic Affairs and extended the College appreciation and warm and sincere greetings the President of the University of Liberia, Prof. Dr. Julius Julukon Sarwolo Nelson for the numerous supports given Prof Amos C. Sawyer College.
The college, without doubt, is one of Africa’s oldest higher institutions of learning, and the second oldest higher institution of learning in West Africa, and the first in the Republic of Liberia. It has been powered by continuous revolution and ongoing efforts to improve and provide quality education and to enhance students’ creative thinking and approaches toward contemporary situations through the application of quality education.
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