MONROVIA-A joint International Ministerial conference between Liberia and neighboring Guinea will begin in Monrovia Wednesday, June 9, 2021.
The 3-day gathering is intended to discuss the development of a rail corridor to transport Guinean mining products using Liberian port infrastructure.
The corridor will also facilitate the transport of agriculture products, people, good and services.
The Guinean delegation will consist of nine senior ministers, headed by the country’s Foreign Minister, Ibrahim K. Kaba, who will lead Guinea’s bilateral engagements. Heads of Guinean financial institutions will also form part of the delegation.
The Liberian team, consisting of the same number of Ministers, will also be led by the country’s Foreign Minister, Dee Maxwell Kemayah. The Guinea Minister of Mines and Geology, Hon. Abdoulaye Magassouba, will lead the country’s Ministerial Committee on the Implementation Agreement, while Finance Minister Samuel D. Tweah Jr. is leading Liberia.
The agreement represents a legal, institutional and operational framework between the two countries and is meant to secure the use of current and future infrastructure and/or transport services in Liberia by Guinean mining operators. It also facilitates the importation to Guinea by mining operators of goods used for mining projects in Guinea.
The conference is being convened at the prodding of President George M. Weah to work out the technical details for the acceleration of the implementation of the agreement.
Last month, following the passage by the Liberian Legislature, the President signed into law the act ratifying the framework agreement between both countries.
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