By R. Joyclyn Wea
Lawmakers who recently filed a US$10million libel Lawsuit against Philipbert Brown, the publisher of a local media outlet, (HotPepper Newspaper) have reduced said amount to US$750,000.00.
This follows the Civil Law Court 72-Hour ultimatum questioning the insufficiency of the Lawmakers US$1.5million Attachment bond or risk losing the writ of attachment against Journalist Brown.
The Lawmakers’ action according Truth FM means their surety failed to obtain the US$15million indemnity bond to order or maintain their US$10million libel lawsuit against the Liberian Journalist.
According to legal minds, the lawmakers’ reduction will now compel Journalist Brown to setup his property bond from US$125,000.00 to over US$2million or risk arrest as provided by Law.
Prior to the Judge’s decision, the lawmakers’ lawyers argued that the Liberian journalist’s bond is defective and bogus, but the court also noticed similar weakness within the Lawmakers’ Attachment Bond.
Journalist Brown has since responded to the lawmakers’ libel lawsuit claiming he has the evidence to implicate them to bribery in connection with the printing of 16-Billion Liberian Dollars that allegedly missing.
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