The Acting President of the Mayors Association of Liberia, Jefferson Koijee calls for the establishment of WASH Commission; wants organize and sustain approach in the WASH sector.
Monrovia City Mayor, Jefferson Koijee
Mayor Koijee has called for the establishment of a Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Commission in Liberia.
He said the commission when established, will monitor and supervise the WASH sector and find remedy for sustainable growth within the sector.
The Mayor of Monrovia who is also the Acting President of the Mayors Association of Liberia noted that the WASH Commission will provide a safe and improve environment for all, something he said is key to the government Pro poor agenda.
According to Mayor Koijee, adequate drinking water, sanitation, and hygiene are all essential ingredients to ensure human health.
“The same is true for proper wastewater management, which is a basic prerequisite for environmental health. Improving upon these services will bring economic gains while also helping to build resilience” Mayor Koijee added.
The Youthful Mayor pointed out that lack of access to clean water and basic Sanitation and low hygiene standards increase the vulnerability of populations to epidemic outbreak like the Ebola outbreak in Liberia.
He said good water and adequate water supply play a significant role in promoting the pro- poor agenda of the government.
He further said there is a growing repeated evidence that there is an exposure to unsafe drinking water, poor Sanitation and inadequate hygiene in Liberia which the government seeks to tackle.
Mayor Koijee called for an organize and sustain approach to move the Country’s Water, Sanitation and Hygiene sector forward.
He appreciated donors including UNICEF, USAID, the World Bank, UNDP, Samaritan Purse, Concern amongst others.
He spoke Friday in Buchanan, Grand Bassa County during his closing statement at the Liberia Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Joint Sector Review 2018.
The Two days meeting held under the theme ” Delivering Pro- poor Safety managed and sustainable WASH Service” brought together stakeholders in the WASH sector including donors.
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