Justice For Charlotte Musu

… Citizens Petition MoJ, Legislature

MONROVIA-Hundreds of protesters on Monday petitioned the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) and the 54th National Legislature, requesting the government to intervene by ensuring that justice is accorded in the alleged murder of Charlotte Musu.

Charlotte Musu was the daughter of the former Chief Justice of Liberia, Gloria Musu Scott who was allegedly stabbed multiple times to death in their home in Brewerville on Wednesday, February 22, 2023.

The death of Musu has drawn the attention of citizens and advocacy groups. However, the Government of Liberia through the Ministry of Justice is exerting all efforts to ensure that the perpetrator(s) are brought to justice.

Hundreds of protesters stormed the grounds of the MoJ and Capitol Building on Monday, chanting slogans and expressing their dissatisfaction over the delay in the case of the deceased.

Justice Minister Frank Musa Dean told the protesters when he received their petition that they deserved to be heard, stating that the issue of the deceased is on the files of the MoJ and being investigated.

“We have not forgotten and we are investigating day and night considering every aspect of it, sooner or later you will be hearing findings from the investigation,” Minister Dean assured the protesters.

He indicated that those who have been accused and suspected in the case also have rights, assuring the protesters that action will be taken.

Commenting, also on the US$100 million drug case which came to a closure recently, Minister Dean noted that the government lost the case, adding that ample evidence was presented, however, the jurors ruled that the accused were not guilty.

Earlier, the protesters assembled on the grounds of the Capitol where they petitioned the Legislature on the alleged murder of Charlotte Musu.


Reading the petition on behalf of the group, Ms. Christiana Quayou noted, “We the people of Liberia cognizant of our basic constitutional rights and obligations of the Government of Liberia to protect citizens at all times against internal and external threats have assembled and resolved on the following.”

The petition cited that the Ministry of Justice must release unconstitutionally the findings of LNP in the Charlotte Musu murder case; the ministry must issue an official press release indicating that it has been given recommendations of the following names of interest that are suspected of being involved in the Musu murder case.

They mentioned that the declaration of clearing the names of Monrovia City Mayor Jefferson T. Korjiee and others as applicable, citing that the Ministry of Justice must declare Mr. Jerome Verdier a person of interest in the late Charlotte Musu case and seeks his extradition from the United States, to answer in a court of competent jurisdiction in Liberia.

The group also stated in their petition that the Government of Liberia should file legal proceedings on the management of Spoon TV Network in Liberia, Mr. Stanton Waterspoon and subsequently shut down the institution while carrying out an independent investigation.

The added that Minister Frank Musa Dean should explain to the Liberian people the exact conversation between him and the former Chief Justice, the night of the gruesome murder of Charlotte Musu.

According to the petition, the Legislature must declare a vote of “no confidence” in Justice Minister Musa Dean and compel him to resign his post, and the Government of Liberia through the Ministry of Justice, must appoint a Special Independent Committee to investigate the Charlotte Musu murder case.

Receiving the petition on behalf of the National Legislature, Nimba County Electoral District #9 Representative, Johnson N. Gwaikolo applauded the protesters for peacefully assembling to petition their lawmakers on relevant issues to be addressed and promised to deliver the petition to his colleagues for onward implementation.

“I like to take this time to receive on behalf of the Speaker and Honorable Members of the House of Representatives a petition from concerned citizens raising several issues to the attention of the government. With our oversight responsibilities as I receive this document, I like to convey to all of you several issues that are being raised that will be discussed and acted upon in the confines of our responsibilities,” Rep. Gwaikolo told the protesters.

According to the Nimba County lawmaker, for all of the issues that are being raised, there are committees established to address them and there is a committee on the Judiciary as well as the Plenary to discuss issues of concern. “Once they are brought to their attention, they will work with them in the confine, to see how these issues can be addressed for the betterment of the country,” he added. Source: LNA

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