Jai Mai Communications Liberia Ltd Responds

An article written and carried by the New Republic Newspaper on October 16, 2018 captioned – Liberia: Deportee Awarded contract gave fictions, but no facts.  The writer of the article stated that some Liberians have raised concern over the awarding of a contract to an Indian National to ‘run’ the fiber optic cable in Liberia.

Jai Mai Communications Liberia Limited is constrained to set the record straight and offer the following:

It is a fact that Jai Mai Communications has been legally contracted by CSquared to install several kilometers of the fiber in Monrovia and its environs and it is doing so expeditiously and with great success.  Jai Mai Communications Liberia Limited is a company duly registered and operating in Liberia that has within its employ hundreds of Liberians who are sub-contractors, permanent employees and as well  Daily Hires.  It is also a fact that Jai Mai Communications contributes to the Liberian economy by paying its fair share of Payroll and Corporate Taxes, thus supporting the government’s Pro Poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development.

It is a fact that this project that Jai Mai Communications Liberia has been contracted to install the fiber by CSquared will see  the free connections of  50 government of Liberia offices which is significant.

However, what is not a fact is that Mr. Ashok Kumar Sivaram, one of the Directors of Jai Mai Communications Liberia has ever been arrested, charged with and or convicted of any crimes in the Republic of Ghana or anywhere else on planet earth as the article alleges.

What is not a fact is that Mr. Ashok Kumar Sivaram ever tried to oust Mr. Sachin Nambeear from a company in Ghana. In fact to date, the only 2 Shareholders of the company in Ghana are Sachin Nambeear and Ashok Kumar Sivaram, each owning 50% shares.  Additionally what is not a fact is that Mr. Ashok Kumar Sivaram and Mr. George Otempong Dankwa forged Sachin Nambeear’s signature in an attempt to take over the company.

What is a fact is that Mr. George Otempong Dankwa remains (legally) the Company’s Secretary of Jai Mai Communication Limited in Ghana till date, clothed with the responsibility to handle the company’s registration renewal, which he did without any material changes to the company’s original registration.

What is a fact is that it was Mr. Sachin Nambeear who, in a spirit of connivance and fraud, attempted to make changes to the company’s original set up at the Registrar of Companies in Ghana around July 2017, a process which was reversed by the High Court of Ghana.

What is also a fact is that Mr. Ashok Kumar Sivaram was for a period married to the sister of his partner, Sachin Nambeear, but the two have since divorced, something that Sachin Nambeear has never accepted and has since then tried every sinister means to target Ashok Kumar Sivaram and Jai Mai Communications Liberia including the filing of a frivolous law suit in the Civil Law Court of Montserrado County. This suit which was first withdrawn by his lawyers and refiled later is yet to be adjudicated by the courts.

One wonders why LIBTELCO would claim, according to the article, that it was shocked to see Jai Mai Communications placing fiber around the City of Monrovia? If it were John Brown Company and not Jai Mai, would that be more pleasing to LIBTELCO?

Jai Mai Communications Liberia is in full compliance with all the laws of the Republic of Liberia and is constructively contributing to the nation’s growth and development. Ashok Kumar Sivaram, one of the directors of Jai Mai Communications Liberia nor anyone in Jai Mai has committed any crime anywhere including within the Republic of Liberia.  The issues that the article raise are lacking in substance, frivolous and intended to smear the character  and integrity of Mr. Ashok Kumar Sivaram and others at Jai Mai Communications Liberia, disrupt the company’s activities, even see them shut down and put hundreds of Liberians out of job.  This however, will not happen.

The article was written without any verification of the facts from Jai Mai Communications Liberia, something that proves the distasteful spirit and intent of the article.

Jai Mai Communications Liberia assures all that it remains dedicated to supporting Liberia’s drive to become a digital nation and will continue with its work of placing fiber throughout Monrovia and the rest of Liberia.  Jai Mai Communications Liberia will continue to hire Liberians, support the tax and revenue base of the country and do all it can to support the Pro Poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development as espoused by H. E. President Weah and the CDC – led government.

Jai Mai Communications Limited Liberia may be contacted through its Legal Counsel, Bropleh & Associates @ info@broplehlaw.com or 0777000761


This paper has all the documentary facts from Ghana Police and Immigration Service  on his deportation order as well as the statement on forgery made by Sachin  against Ashok.


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