“I Am A Law Abiding Person”

-Says Deputy EPS boss

MONROVIA-The Deputy Director of the Executive Protection Services-EPA said he remains a law-abiding citizen and would do nothing outside of the law.

Mr. Dickerson Bayo, in a statement issued recently followed media reports that he disrupted normal classes at the J.J. Roberts School in  Sinkor after he went to retrieve a Ford 2020 Model which the operator had not settled all his obligations.

According to a statement issued recently, the operator of the vehicle is Mr.  Abraham Willie, Sr., who had been on the run due to his failure to settle the balance of payment.

So, when the vehicle was seen at the J.J. Roberts Campus, he was contacted by someone. Upon hearing that, he went to the campus to ascertain who took the vehicle there.

“Deputy Director Bayo arrived at the parking lot at the J.J Robert School on 12th Street outside the campus where the vehicle that full payment has not been settled by the owner Willie, was parked,” the statement said.

“The owner, Abraham Willie, Sr., of the vehicle was contacted via the security officer’s phone through the Liberian National Police (LNP) that was present on the scene to carry out the arrest of the vehicle.

According to the statement, when the owner was contacted, he told the officer on the phone that: “I don’t owe anybody anything, and I won’t come anywhere”, adding, “nobody can do anything to me.”

This statement from him (Willie) was not well received by the police. He considered it disrespectful to the law.

The statement further added, “the LNP officer also informed him that this vehicle was wanted due to Mr. Abraham Willie’s indebtedness, and needed to come and address himself to it. Again, Willie refused and started to insult the police officer during the conversation on the phone.”

Having exerted all efforts to make contact with him, which lasted for several minutes, the LNP decided to contact the Monrovia City Police to lock the tire of the vehicle and later have it towed to the nearest depot at Airfield (Salem Depot).

It must be made clear here that there were absolutely no Interactions with students, no classes disrupted, and no form of violence ever erupted. More importantly, there was no physical body contact with students at J.J Robert’s school campus.

The statement described Bayo as a peaceful man who is a respecter of the law and professional in discharging his security duties. “That is why the police were contacted and all procedures were followed in conformity with the law.”

The vehicle was not properly purchased and there was a need to ensure complete settlement,” the statement said.

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