GoL Food Distribution To Begin May 23, 2020

Commerce Minister Wilson K. Tarpeh

The Steering Committee of the Government’s Household Food Support Program says it will begin the distribution of emergency food packages on May 23, 2020.
The Committee further states that its household food support program will target vulnerable groups and slum communities where assistance  are needed the most.
According to the Steering Committee Chairman, Commerce Minister Prof. Wilson Tarpeh, the distribution will be modelled after the former Special Emergency Life Food (SELF) food distribution chain, but will be headed by the World Food Program, assisted by the community leaders in these slum areas.
Minister Tarpeh in a statement issued over the weekend said the food distribution will begin in the initial four counties affected by the coronavirus. They include Montserrado, Margibi, Nimba and Grand Kru Counties, while the remaining 11 counties would be included later.
In addition to rice, Minister Tarpeh says the Steering Committee will also look at  the distribution to include local produced palm oil, red beans etc.
“This is intended to empower our local farmers economically as we battle the pandemic,” said Tarpeh.

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